I have seen quite a few posts regarding Unemployment (or rather the lack thereof). How is your journey going? Do you need assistance navigating claims based on location. I know that receiving funds from claims being processed through interstate benefits can be tricky, but I am here to help.
During the pandemic I was a claims processor and adjudicator for the State of Wisconsin. I've got a good bit of knowledge as far as releasing funds, filing claims, and submitting petitions to have cases reviewed (or re-reviewed). Ask any question you'd like here and i'll do my best to help, and if you need more personalized assistance I can assist you with your claim for a small fee in my free time.
I wish you all the best of luck and I hope you're making the most of your Monday! #unemployment #advice #assistance

Thinking that they are willing to work with you on your schedule.

If you don't work when they want you to they stop answering your phone and text.

If any of you are struggling with unemployment, unemployment benefits aren't enough/stopped; and you don't have minor kids, visit you local dpss office to request GR/ general relief ( about $200 per month), foodstamps ( about $100 per month), and medical. Its not much but help a bit. Blessings!

Delete immediately if anyone receives a email from this rip off scam they send you fake checks to deposit in your bank account to mess up your credit. Total scam

You may be eligible to receive: rental payments for temporary housing, unemployment payments, loans to cover residential losses not covered by insurance, and grants for home repairs and replacement of personal property, as well as other disaster-related needs. Applicants may apply for help from FEMA by registering [here] (https://www.disasterassistance.gov/) OR by calling (800) 621-FEMA (3362).