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Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I am really in a tough spot! I have a temp, six month job and no benefits. The job will not be extended or no hope of permanence. I really need to start looking for a other job because that time will go by fast. The thing is I don't want to get comfortable and learn the job simply because it will end. My supervisor makes it difficult to take time off for my doctor appointments, anything life related, or for interviews for other jobs and I really don't like what I am doing. Their is too much involved in the job and not worth it because it is a temp job. Honestly by the time, my time is up I may actually know what I am doing. The people I am working with have been doing the job for like for 10 to 20 years and are not good at training me! It so annoying! Sometimes wish I never got the jobs. Really, I did not try to get, the few jobs I wanted to I lost out to people with more experience. I am flustered and just like hating life. Please help!

Susan Sams
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

After 13 months, No fault of my own, I finally got a Temp Job. Problem is that with this place, I feel like I am being choked by all their hidden rules. Also I noticed there is still alot to know and no one is willing to help me get through some of these calls. I want to quit but I am afraid of not getting something else or better right away. Before this, I applied to over 150 places, tried over 14 Temp agencies, that did totally nothing to help me. I even tried the unemployment office. So I am not sure what to do. If anyone can help with this dilemma that would be great.

Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I work through a temporary company, for another company . i like the company i am working for and want to go to work for them full time but was told i would need to move over 100 miles away before they would consider hiring me full time, yet theres a company here willing to hire me full time that i have never worked for. They offered me $15hr (i make $16 now) once i told them that i make $16 they called me back and offered me $18 hr . I like the company i am working for so turned $18 hr down . now they have called me offering me $20hr. Should i take it or should i move and try to get hired full time with who i am working for now?

Steve Taylor
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I am reaching out to you today as I have taken a temporary position just to get a cash flow going. I drive 32.5 miles one way for a$400.00 per week job. I am used to earning 6 figures and it seems that my field is basically closed out. I have also gone through all of my funds. I have been doing business development in the collection industry for 30 years or more. I do however ask what is the definition of business development? In my life it is relationship building. I have run out of money and now I am reduced to this. I am willing to travel 75% of the time and/or relocate for the right position. Is there anyone that can help me. Perhaps a hungry headhunter? My resume is posted here and online at http://sbtresume.weebly.com.
My LinkedIn profile is here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/skiptraceconsultants. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

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Robert Jensen
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I had an interview for a temporary job on Tuesday of this week. I interviewed with 4 people from the company and the interview went very well, infact maybe too good. The company got back to the recruiter with this feedback. I was great and his first choice for the job, but his concern is that I would "bang out" the job and be sitting there with nothing to do. Really? I told the recruiter, with how far I have gotten in my career, up to a manager, do you really believe that I would sit there with nothing to do? So now they are interviewing for an accountant for a accounts payable position. Sometimes I just don't know.

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Christopher Schultz
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Been at a temp job at a water plant for a month now, Offended a long term employee because I smoke. Have confidence all will end up all right.
