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Ryan Kompa
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Social Imprints has so much potential, but sadly I can not tell you anything other than STAY AWAY. The owner is the downfall and demise of Social Imprints. He is an arrogant spoiled, rude child that is and has been sued more times than he can likely remember. There are a lot of great people that have dedicated themselves to SI, including myself for 5 years, just to end up leaving or being unlawfully terminated. The hard part to deal with is no matter what anyone says he just doesn't listen. He believes he is above everyone. You can have documentation proving him wrong and he won't even acknowledge it. He is a spoiled little brat. He would walk around the warehouse and just stop and look at someone and say " do you like my shirt? Do you have any idea how much this cost?" In the 5 years I was there we went through 4 HR managers who ALL quit because of all the inappropriate things he would say. I believe at least one if not 2 if them filed suit against him as well, but not 100% for sure about that. I can't tell you strongly enough to stay away. This is not about a vendetta or revenge of any sort. This is honestly answering the question put forth and to save you the frustration. Out of 30-40 employees average there are maybe 7 that were there when I started and left. Turnover rate is ridiculous due to the fact that people quit or get unlawfully terminated because of the actions of the owner.

Gregory Freeman
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I felt proud to work for #Social Security Administration when...

Skills Profile

  •     Excellent written and oral communication skills Experience, analyzing, interrupting, and applying complex rules, regulations, and policies   Employment History Social Security Administration  9/21/1981 — 5/31/2010 Marion, Indiana  Claims Representative  1981-1988 Office of Hearing and Appeals 1998-2002 Hearing Office Supervisor Cincinnati Ohio DO 387 2002-2006  - Service Representative Batavia Ohio DO A64  2006-2010- Claims Representative


Pallavi Ramu
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I am reporting back to work tomorrow as an essential employee in a clinical hospital setting. I am concerned about my future exposure level since I have protected myself from exposure via work from home and keeping outside home trips extremely minimal. I am disheartened by all the individuals who do & did not take the numbers seriously and still continued ignoring social distancing recommendation and keeping social visits frequent. #coronavirus #healthcare #social distancing

Jade Andersen
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I recently started a Marketing Consulting business to help small businesses with their marketing. I realize that coronavirus has really hit hard on small businesses, and I'd love the opportunity to help them with my marketing experience. From social media management to website design, I have a passion for helping businesses grow. If you or someone you know needs help marketing their business, let me know! I am offering a FREE 30-minute virtual consultation. I proudly offer affordable, customizable, and virtual one-on-one consulting. Let's start working together today! I can consult for any industry.

Check out www.jyamediaconsulting.com! If you are struggling with the pay, let me know and we can work something out.

#workfromhome #coronavirus #smallbusinesses #marketing #digitalmarketing #digital #socialmedia #social #socialmediamarketing #marketingplan #virtual #newyork #newjersey #florida #northcarolina #boston #chicago #losangeles #california #tampa #seattle #anywhere

Deborah Crenshaw
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I am tired of friends and family saying I don't socialize enough u cant make any one change like that unless they have all ways been that way Sometime I feel like I am being bulled into certain situations I have told them this is who I am they wont stop help what should ido

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