yeah I work there full time

Excellent customer service, quality, business analyst, project management skills. Out of date PMP, business management degree, certified business and life coach. Heavy banking, health insurance and other industry experience #workfromhome #jobsearch #businessanalyst #projectmanagement #quality #customerservice #insurance #risk #softwaretesting

Enterprise risk management (ERM) involves the planning, organization, leading, and controlling of an organization’s activities in order to minimize security risks.
Company stakeholders, investors, and board members are often requiring that companies provide proof of ERM. Risk management at an enterprise-wide level allows an organization to consider all types of risks and their potential impact on their investment, as well as their activities, and processes. Your organization can benefit from the ‘upside of risk’ if you have a comprehensive approach put in place. #risk #management #ANMO #Business

The best thing about this job was that, as an Active Shooter & Workplace Violence Prevention Expert, I felt like I was making a difference and actually saving lives by making sure that employees had proper, mandated protections in place, keeping the organizations in compliance with Federal Guidelines by preventing violence in the workplace! #jobsearch #mythoughts
thanks alot Jaycee for your prompt response.