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Edward Tapia
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I need some answers, I live in New York State and since I wasn't eligible for UI benefits I was directed to apply for PUA (Pandemic Unemployment Assistance) which will net me $600 USD per week for up to 39 weeks. Upon applying for this benefit and subsequently getting approved for it I received my first payment of $600 USD on Friday, April 24th, 2020. After following all necessary instructions to keep receiving PUA, eagerly awaited this much needed money the following Friday... to my surprise nothing was deposited into my account. I tried calling the Department of Labor to no avail... Will I keep receiving this benefit? Any other New Yorkers in the same situation as me? What's going on? I just need some answers as to why I didn't receive my PUA this week.. #coronavirus #pandemicunemploymentassistance #PUA #NewYorkCity #NYC #NewYork #UI
