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Ananth Kumar
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

If you are looking for an IT job,

I can help you.

We have a great network.

post below what you are looking for. #job #network location: #canada #hiring #jobsearch

Jim Hoen
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

One great thing to do with more time on your hands is, find a way reach out to someone you haven't talked to in a while! It will put a smile on their face and yours!!! It is always good to keep your network fresh!!!!! #fightthegloom #network #motivation

It's Your Time Believe and Achieve
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

THIS IS IMPORTANT! (This is how people get ahead.)

No matter who you are, everybody is connected to someone. That's the universal structure of all things. No one reaches their destination in life without the connectivity through others.

High dollar industry giants such as, Buffett, Gates, Douglas, Lady G, Whitney, Katie, Billy Ray, Stevie, Quincy, Jackson, Elvis, Jennifer, Drake, Usher, Cardi, Nicky, Jordan and the list goes on.

No matter who stands in the middle, you must be connected to the enterprise to make things happen and get results. The worse background in the world can lead to the greatest groundbreaking future experience to ever be told.

Just remember, absolutely, no one does it alone. Everybody is connected to someone special and that's how energy flows through interconnectivity.

Are you connected?

I Believe You Can...!

Bullet point
over 6 months ago

We all know that no person can be an island through life. Whether it’s family or friends, we all lean on someone from time to time.

You may be going through a tough time right now. Perhaps you feel like there’s nobody who can help you. If you feel that way, I would encourage you to reflect on previous times of need.

When you were struggling in the past, who helped you? Was it a parent or sibling? Did your best friend from childhood come through for you? Did support come from an unexpected place?

We may feel alone at times, but our history can remind us that we have supporters all around us.

Next time you need support, who will you lean on?

Need more basic job search help? Click here to search for jobs on Jobcase. Need other help? Comment below and Jobcase Staff will do their best to help you.

Marc Graves
Bullet point
over 6 months ago
Rodrigo Santos
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Hi Everyone,

I am a Network and Telecommunications Specialist, with more than 15 years of IT career experience, being 3 in programming and analysis of Oracle systems, 2 in the Windows / Unix environments administration area where I have achieved my MCSE certification, and since then I work in the Networks and Telecommunications area where I have obtained my CCIE certification.

I would like to move with my family to USA and I’m looking for a job at Network area, but I don’t have a work VISA and I need a sponsorship. Thanks for any advice.

#jobsearch #florida #cisco #ccie #network

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Christopher Scranton
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

There will be some great employers at the October 31st Cincinnati Works Job Fair, including the companies below!

To learn more about the job fair and to register, click here

Check out the links below to some of their open jobs- great way to prepare in advance for success at the job fair! Get to know the employers, review their job info, and keep asking/answering questions here on Jobcase to help yourself to be the best prepared that you can be!

3CDC Check out a listing of their open jobs

Amazon Check out a listing of their open jobs

Castellini Group Check out a listing of their open jobs

Charter Spectrum Check out a listing of their open jobs

Children’s Inc. Check out a listing of their open jobs

Children’s Hospital Check out a listing of their open jobs

DHL Check out a listing of their open jobs

FedEx Check out a listing of their open jobs

Fifth Third Bank Check out a listing of their open jobs

Hilton Check out a listing of their open jobs

Jack Casino Check out a listing of their open jobs

Jancoa Check out a listing of their open jobs

JBM Check out a listing of their open jobs

Kroger Check out a listing of their open jobs

Lithko Contracting Check out a listing of their open jobs

McLane Food Service Check out a listing of their open jobs

Sysco Foods Check out a listing of their open jobs

UPS (Warehouse) Check out a listing of their open jobs

Volunteers of America Check out a listing of their open jobs

Whelan Security Check out a listing of their open jobs

Woodforest National Bank Check out a listing of their open jobs

Wornick Foods Check out a listing of their open jobs

#JobFairSuccessCincinnati #Jobfair #Network #Cincinnati #CincinnatiJobs #CincinnatiJobfair #Employers

Ashley Wilson
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Our profiles/resumes are now online and with email we barely use paper anymore, but the one paper item you need in today’s job market is a business card. They are PERFECT for giving out at events like a job fair or even after an interview.

I know what you’re thinking, I don’t even own a business I don’t need that. Even if this is true, when you think about it, YOU are your own business. Each time you go on interviews you are in the business of finding a job and selling yourself.

You want those who interview you to remember you days after an interview is over, and not forget you seconds later. A simple business card helps you achieve just that and remind them of who they just met! It does not need to be fancy or expensive. What it does need to do is have the following info:

1- Your first and last name 2- Your email (make sure it’s current) 3- Your phone number (again current) 4- Optional you can add a few words about who you are or what job role you are looking for, an inspirational quote, or small list of attributes about yourself (like a mini pitch).

Design a card and have them printed and ready for pickup the same day at your local [Staples] (https://design.staples.com/business-cards?cid=PS:GS:CP:CP:e:28:71700000024972939:staples+business+cards:p24099268377&cvosrc=ppc%20nonbrand.google-cpc.staples+business+cards&cvo_cid=909374119&cvo_crid=217841500534&Matchtype=e&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvLeE4Kzr1gIVTVmGCh2ExAybEAAYASAAEgL9tPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)

Or for more design options try [Vistaprint] (https://www.vistaprint.com/business-cards?txi=15626&xnid=TopNav_Business+Cards&xnav=TopNav) just make sure to check shipping and production times to ensure it arrives in time for when you need it.

Desmond O Connor
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

There are hundreds of vacancy advertised but many of the posts advertised have people lined up to fill the post but the company rules are that they must advertise so that they are not been unfair a lot of owners have vacancy available but someone else is doing interviews and he will 9 out of 10 times give it to a friend I've applied for 300 njobs and have feed back from 3 but we must stay positive and trust the lord

Kirk Hawrysio
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Just wanted to say I have been encouraged by so many of your stories during my job search. I will finally be starting a new role in a week, my first FTE gig since college (25 years as a contractor)! Even though the manager for this role liked and wanted me for it and discussed it in depth on my last day of my last contract, it has taken 3 months for this to come together, then a few weeks for onboarding. In the end I will have been out of work for 4 months and without a paycheck for 5. But the point of this story is that patience, perseverance, and persistence have paid off. I had a number of very nice jobs slip through my fingers during this period, at times I felt carefree and at others I felt desperate, but I kept at it all along. The point is don't lose face and keep planting good seeds, turned out one of mine sprouted, but it took some watering for sure. My next steps were going to be to create a personal bio website, basically a highly customized online resume and print up some calling cards. I didn't need to take those steps, but not a bad idea if you are wondering what to try next. Also, don't forget, network, network, network! Anyway, thanks for the great stories, congratulations to those that are finding happiness and best of luck to those still seeking!!

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