We’ll always remember 2020 as a difficult year for all of us. Many have lost their jobs due to the economic decline caused by COVID-19, the effects of which still continue this 2021. It’s hurting businesses, even after a year of lockdown. Thus, the goal for most of us is to land a job during pandemic. It’s needed to bounce back in making both ends meet in this time of crisis.
It’s no secret that the workforce sector is highly affected. The rate of job loss increases as the number of people affected by COVID-19 climbs up. However, now that there are plans to combat this crisis, companies have begun to get back to business. As a result, the unemployment rate has decreased since January. Thus, landing a job during pandemic is now possible. Here’s a rundown of tips that could boost your chance.
- Revamp your resume. When you apply for a job, you will certainly need a well-written resume. This means a total overhaul of your application piece. The so-called art of resume writing has changed over time. Thus, you have to consider its aesthetics and content.
You have to lay out your resume that would entice a hiring manager to read further. Will your resume pass the 7-second test? It’s the average amount of time a hiring manager spends on every resume. With that, you need to present your copy beyond just the utterly simple, old school approach with a good balance of professional feel.
Equally important alongside your layout is your resume content. How organized are your details? You need to be consistent in terms of your keyword and descriptions. Highlight relevant info such as your qualifications and experience related to your target job. Make sure your application is error free. All these constitute a rich and substantial resume that will land you a job, especially during COVID-19 pandemic, when a large volume of applicants is expected.
- Improve your skills and learn new ones. Skills need constant cultivation so they can work best to our advantage. The new skills and learning you have acquired during the lockdown could give you the leverage, especially if they’re aligned with your target job. Don’t forget to list your skills and abilities in your resume. This helps recruiters know if you’re fit for the job.
Remember that this global pandemic has made job search more competitive, so make sure that your resume stands out by highlighting what you can do and why you’re capable of doing it. To do that, you have to identify your hard skills and soft skills needed for the job you’re eyeing.
While waiting for calls from your pending applications, use this time to equip yourself with different skills. You can attend online classes to better yourself. There are universities that offer free classes. This is a good opportunity to optimize your resume while making yourself productive.
- Post your tool on job search engines. COVID-19 forced most companies to adopt remote work. Thus, if you want to land a job during pandemic, you have to make sure to have an impressive profile online. If you willfully do the second tip, expanding your network in the digital space won’t be a problem.
Your online presence matters in your hiring chances. Hence, now is the best time to maintain an active status on your online profile. You need to use the best job sites to land a job since many vacancies shift toward remote work setup. Posting your tool on job sites like Linkedin or Monster is very much needed if you want recruiters to see your application. Not only that because of this, the hiring process became more accessible and easier, even in the midst of pandemic.
With the help of job search engines, you can land a job or find a new career. This is because hiring managers use these as sources to connect with job seekers. You have to make sure that your profile is exceptional so that you can have the upper hand in the job search game.
Secure a job faster COVID-19 may not end soon just yet. Thus, we need to be ready with whatever changes the crisis might further have on our job market. It’s difficult to deal with, particularly if you belong to those who have lost their jobs. But don’t worry; landing a job during pandemic is possible. With job search engines available and free, you just need to make sure that you have a winning resume to lead you with your target job or new career.
If you’re still wondering how to secure a job faster this pandemic, let Resume Professional Writers help you achieve your career goal. They have been providing excellently written resumes tailored to help you land a job. Check out their resume services now!

As you get deeper into the job search, it’s more and more important to connect with other people. That means presenting your best self to employers, and discovering opportunities through networking. This week’s Toys R Us Employees Next Step Toolkit is full of great ideas to help you make better connections. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1C5aiCS-lv_uSMJrD3kxQ9-Qrr_wru2cS #JobReady #ToysRus #tributetotoys

Stay strong and search on! This week’s Toys R Us Employees Next Step Toolkit is the perfect companion guide for job seekers everywhere. Download for great tips, tricks and inspiration to use right now. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1b95rwvpOH6Iqnwu-HauZpvvWCKTkeDpQ #JobReady #ToysRus #tributetotoys

Stay strong and search on! This week’s Toys R Us Employees Next Step Toolkit is the perfect companion guide for job seekers everywhere. Download for great tips, tricks and inspiration to use right now. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1b95rwvpOH6Iqnwu-HauZpvvWCKTkeDpQ #JobReady #ToysRus #tributetotoys

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From gaining new skills to opening the door to job opportunities, volunteering is a win for all.
Volunteering is a great way for high school students to give back to the community, experience working in a certain field, and gain valuable new skills. It speaks to your character in a way that test scores cannot, and it will give your college applications a boost.
So, if you’re in high school and thinking about volunteering, read on to learn about how it’s beneficial, and why we recommend it.
Benefits of Volunteering 1. A way to give back As a student, you’re probably super busy. Between school work, clubs, sports, a job (if you have one), your days fill up quickly. But volunteering your time is selfless, and a generous way to get to know a new group of people with whom you’d otherwise not interact. From volunteering at a preschool to spending time with senior citizens, it can be deeply fulfilling, and it’s sure to make a profound difference to the community you’re spending time with.
2. Build new skills and relationships Volunteering is an opportunity to learn new skills that are foundational to any future career. You’ll sharpen your organizational skills, prioritization, time management, problem solving, and communication skills, to name a few. It’s also a great opportunity to network and build out a list of contacts whom you can reach out to in the future.
3. Resume/college application boost Volunteering can set you apart from other applicants and candidates. Doing something for which you aren’t paid shows selflessness, drive, ambition, and creativity: qualities that make you stand out. While many volunteering programs can even transfer into school credits, it’s also a great way to gain real-world work experience while you’re still in school.
4. Promotes open-mindedness Between working with a community of retirees to helping out at a zoo, volunteering opens yourself up to new experiences, and it can help you see the world differently. It keeps you grounded and fosters a sense of social awareness. New experiences can open the door to new passions, too. And who knows? Volunteering could lead you to find your future career.
Where to start Here are some great places to look into volunteering if you’re interested in taking the next step. • Sports lovers: volunteer to help with after-school fundraising activities for school sports teams, help coach younger kids in little league/other sports, assist with sports team management • Animal lovers: local animal shelter, help with dog adoption services, zoo/aquarium • Nature lovers: volunteer at your local farmer’s market and help with general set up/produce transfer, check out any local tree planting/greenery initiatives, volunteer at your local nature conservancy branch to help with garbage clean-up, trail clearing, river cleaning, habitat restoration, and more • “People” people: local hospitals, soup kitchens or food banks, retirement or nursing homes, reading at a local library, preschool or childcare centers
For any and all of these places, we recommend doing a quick search of the area that interests you and looking for a phone number or your town’s local programs. Ask if they’re looking for any volunteers...you’ll likely be welcomed to help with open arms.

Are you #JobReady? When it comes to your job search, you will want to have all your ducks in a row. That way, employers will know you are prepared and polished. This week's Next Steps Toolkit covers a bunch of stuff – from resumes and your online profile to interview outfits and everything in between. Learn what you need to know to be job ready! Check it out here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rx1naOfALXMB547HOzlDQYH5Xi3BNekC

I finally got a job at Dunkin Donuts!!!! I kept striking out over and over, but then I knew what I did wrong. I would apply online and not hear anything. The day I applied to DD my mom dropped me off and I went inside and asked for the manager. She was really busy so I waited. When she came out to see me I handed her my application. I thanked her for her time and told her why I am the right person for the job. I made sure to smile and have good eye contact like my dad said to. She sat down with me and interviewed me right there!!! A few days later I was hired :) Try going inside guys it got me my job and I am so happy!!

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TEENS: looking for a summer job? We got the scoop on how to beat the heat & land a gig at Ben & Jerry’s. Check it out!

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Here are our top tips to help you stay motivated and positive during the job search so you can find your way to success.
Strength in numbers While the job search is definitely a solitary pursuit, the old adage “strength in numbers” holds true. Remember: you’re not in this alone!
Reach out. The foundation of any new relationship – professional or personal – is a human connection, so challenge yourself to make new connections and interact with other people as often as possible.
There are many ways to incorporate this into your job search: post every day in the Jobcase community, spark up a conversation with fellow shoppers at the grocery store, tune into local happenings within your community, or attend workshops or conferences. Grab a cup of coffee with a friend or acquaintance who works in a different field or industry – they may have some interesting connections, ideas, or leads.
Routine is good, flexibility is better Is your morning all about firing off applications, sharing your profile, or sending out emails? Do you get in the zone around lunchtime, or are you most productive at the end of the day?
Recent research revealed Tuesdays at 11:00AM to be the best time to apply to jobs. Switch up your routine and give this a shot! Spend a couple of days applying to jobs from 11:30–12:30, then, after another few days, shake it up again and apply later on in the afternoon. Minor tweaks to your routine every so often are refreshing and can help you refocus and forge new pathways to success.
It’s also important to be open to new experiences that come your way. That networking event you keep getting notifications about? If you can swing it, go! Last-minute request for a phone screen or interview? You’re prepared...go for it! Impromptu invite to a workshop at the community center? Do it. Remain open to meeting new people and making new connections because ultimately, it increases your chances of getting hired. Step outside your comfort zone...it’s the only place where real change happens.
Recalibrate and refocus Been a while since you’ve heard back from hiring managers or landed an interview? Take a step back to reflect, regorganize and retool some key elements of the search.
Every couple of days, challenge yourself to achieve something new and different. Revamp your Jobcase profile, revise your cover letter, and work on your introductory email. Then, spend time sending out applications to jobs and companies you’ve already applied to, making sure to note the new addition of skills and experiences relevant to the position.
Another tactic is to reach out to two new people a day who you connect with either via a friend, a friend of a friend, or current/past co-workers.
Take care of yourself Practice self-care: ask yourself what you need to keep on keepin’ on, and do your best to deliver on those needs.
You can practice self-care in many different, simple ways: • Exercise: go for a morning jog, a short walk in the afternoon, or stand up and stretch every so often • Surround yourself with positive people • Get a good night’s sleep • Buy yourself some flowers • Treat yourself to a nice dinner
Helpful resources • Print out and follow our Job Ready checklist • Reference all our job ready tips • Learn how to use the Jobcase resume generator tool • Why you need a resume AND a Jobcase profile
The bottom line: breath new life into your job search. Shake it up and do something different. Reach out, refocus, reconnect. And remember: you’re not in this alone.
What are some ways you stay strong during the job search?

Job Ready Tip number 7! Click #JobReadyTips to see them all. #jobready #jobreadytip