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Career and Self:
As we navigate our personal career journeys, it's inevitable that we will encounter personal challenges that can stop us in our tracks and shake us to the bone. It doesn’t matter where we stumble on this journey as much as how it affects our ability to remain productive. We must still always earn a paycheck or be on a daily quest to secure an income.
In the past I never really intertwined my personal life with my work life, at least I didn’t think I did. For me, I think it was just that I didn’t connect the two consciously, but my personal struggles lately have made me aware that I may be unstable in one because of the other.
Community Feedback:
I have also been one who prefers to only reveal that “All is Well” to others. I’m beginning to realize this may be the probable reason I am having such difficulty pulling myself out enough to be able to climb back up. I can say with near certainty that maybe it has been a hinderance for me throughout my entire existence.
The problem being, I never receive feedback because I never put it out there to seek advice from the outside peering in. So today, I’m putting it out there in hopes of gaining a better understanding from the community. It may be the only way for me to see beyond my own mind-space.
Facing Uncertainty at a Crossroads:
This month I began the last year of my 50’s. I’m not even sure what that means. Only when I’m referring to someone else does that concept seem old. I’m not old.
Some may consider it a milestone, but it has been nearly two decades since I’ve recognized anything that has to do with my having an end. It’s as if I am a traveler grown weary from facing yet another Crossroads of Uncertainty. I am left grappling with profound questions about my identity, worth, and future. It's a juncture where financial, emotional, and physical strains converge, leaving me feeling adrift and unsure of what lies ahead.
Navigating the Turbulence of Relationships:
For the past four years, I’ve been in a relationship with a girl twenty-two years younger than I am. Last week, I made the decision to end it, recognizing the disparities in age and life experiences that weighed heavily on my conscience. The aftermath has left me feeling isolated, extremely lonely, and questioning my abilities to form meaningful connections.
Struggling with Self-Worth and Direction:
Alone now, I find myself sorting through these feelings of inadequacy and despair. Without a stable job or reliable transportation, the future feels daunting and questionable. The shame of my current circumstances weighs heavily on me, amplifying my sense of loneliness with a hovering stagnancy, which I have always done my best to run from.
Seeking Community Insight:
Am I the only one who sits in thought this way? Have you ever faced personal challenges that relate to your ability to remain secure in your career endeavors? How did you navigate through them? Your insights, support, and encouragement are invaluable to me and may provide a beacon of hope in this overcast moment.
Thank you for lending an ear, offering your thoughts, and being the supportive community I know you to be.
Residence ,Rental house (Apartment),Office and Clinic cleaning
I’m unsure of the future of ride share if gas pri continue to climb.
Working for myself in jamaica was very good it gives me time to take care of other stuff that would be way more challenging if i was working for someone else plus I love what i did planting stuff and watch them grow was very satisfying there are times when the prices of my produce would fall and there's time when it would increase significantly however if I could do it again I would it in a heartbeat.farming is very satisfying.
#self-made#GodisGr8#unsubscribe #wordsofadvice #Yolo#work4yourself #dontpleaseothers #pleaseChrist!!!!
I was 45, lost my job, and spent the better part of a FULL YEAR trying to find another position. That job lasted only 3 months due to the owner deciding to cut some positions, and I couldn't bring myself to go through the nightmare I had previously trying to find a job. I had always toyed with the idea of self-employment. The one thing I felt I could do well was write and started taking steps to make that a reality. After reading everything about freelance writing I could find, I finally realized my lack of credentials and recent writing experience was a major obstacle I had to overcome. No one was going to pay me a penny based on my word alone! So, I did what any insane 50-year-old woman would do; I enrolled in school (online) and pursued a degree. This was a major risk, as I didn't have a great track record of finishing things I started. (That was all prior to being diagnosed with ADD and treated with good meds.) Not only did I earn my bachelor's degree for technical writing, but I did it with an extremely high GPA. I wasn't as stupid as I believed. By the time I graduated I was 55 and already had started taking on some freelance writing jobs. I also studied and took the exam to become a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), which wasn't really something I planned, but someone I knew well, had worked with, and trusted, was doing this type of work and basically coerced me into joing the "fun!" Once I heard what kind of money she earned I admit I got more interested. Anyway, that was in 2010 ( I was 55) and I've been a self-employed freelance writer, specializing as a CPRW since that time. Success didn't happen overnight or easily but at least now I had the skills, education, experience, and maturity to make it work and I've never regretted my decision. #ageism #advice #jobsearch #resume #self-employment
More stability with retirement and regular hours instead of hat in the work set up the sun down in 8 hours or 10 hour job instead of 15 to 18 hours
I would have liked better equipment at times.
Not having to constantly act on the basis of what my boss would like me to do, but what was the the best thing to do for my Clients.
I still work as a private House cleaner and everything is perfect about the people I clean for. I am just looking for something different PT like cleaning at an Assisted Living Facility or a Day care center