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As a hospice RN case manager, I feel it’s more important to love going to work everyday for less pay then making the big bucks and dreading going to your job. Your attitude will show to your teammates and patients and their families. So unprofessional. #motivation, #professionalism, #hospice #advice

Very rewarding, loved all my patients, met there needs from gifts to doing tasks for them

Looking for Field HOSPICE CNA WORK #cna #certifiednursingassistant #hospice #healthcare #jobsearch #texas

Best job ever and hardest! It was a blessing to be able to be there for the person in the bed and also the family's . I always looked at it as how lucky I was to be able to try to help someone in the darkest times of there lifes.

The staff was excellent and I felt that I was providing needed medical as well as emotional support for not only the patients, but their significant others as well.

It's a very special job. Rewarding above anything else. And also heart wrenching at the same time. I was fortunate to have such awesome clients and their families were wonderful.

My biggest mistake I have made was getting to attached to my clients

It was very stressful to watch them begin their transition to the other side while trying so hard to hang on to their life as they knew it here