So I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about past chargers, getting in the way of finding work. It’s hard not to get down on yourself for making one mistake that changes your life entirely but you can’t lose hope. I made the mistake of hanging out with the wrong type of people didn’t know my rights at the time and ended up with a distribution/manufacturing CDS on my record. Any place that did a background check would not give me a chance. My advice is learn how to do a trade. I did a simple online courses, OSHA, 10. My license to purchase Freon. At supply houses. I started out, not even knowing how to properly use a hammer, and now I can install and maintenance multiple different units. Try not to. See yourself up over something that happened in the past. And if you’re charge is more than seven years old who is the chance that you can get it expunged entirely. I was blessed enough to be able to get in contact with a lawyer, and my record is finally in the process of getting expunged as I speak. I’m not. Completely happy where I am in my life but also I have to remind myself that it always could be a lot worse. Keep going. Hold yourself accountable one application a day you’ll get there.

Who hires individuals who have been convicted of felonies? #felony #backgroundcheck #jobsearch

Live in Texas look lander trucking company in ronoake texas

Hi Miguel! What area are you located? I know that Fedex, UPS, Amazon, etc have hired felons. I am a felon and I work for Hertz Corporation in Florida. Be sure to check out the Fair Chance To Succeed forum here: (https://www.jobcase.com/groups/cda4e305-b749-4e25-b6aa-2e25befa56c1/feed?scoring=FEED)

I have a principal to robbery charge that has prevented me to get every job I've applied for. Since my prison bid I have worked a full time job, bought a car, maintained a license for a consecutive 3 years !!! The charge was in 2017. I'm not on parole or probation. Applebee's turned me down. Effin APPLEBEES ?!!! What do I do? Flip burgers? 2 jobs paycheck to paycheck? # #jobsearch #felony #backgroundcheck #advice #careeradvice

I'm asking individuals on "Jobcase" to PLEASE STOP seeking your information from ONLY other individual posting on this website - do a little homework on your own. If you accept only responses posted here, you are limiting yourself. I give a response periodically, because like many here, I'm also job hunting. I've worked in Human Resources for probably 90% of my work history, nevertheless, I'm still learning - don't rely on my words alone - Google your state laws, check with Unemployment. The infor mation I've listed below was pulled from ncsl.org, hopefully you'll find the information helpful and still check further. Good luck!
Certification of Rehabilitation Another policy option chosen by some states offers people with criminal records the opportunity to secure certificates of rehabilitation or certificates of employability that would open the door to receiving occupational licenses. Although the application of these certificates varies from state to state, they “may be used to provide a way for qualified people with criminal records to demonstrate rehabilitation or a commitment to rehabilitation,” and to relieve barriers to jobs and licenses. Certificates of rehabilitation may also be a viable option for states that have yet to adopt comprehensive record closure laws (expungement/sealing) since some are able to “directly limit the application of collateral consequences” while not removing information from a person’s record or limiting public access.
At least 12 states now make certificates of rehabilitation available through the court system and a few others through administrative agencies including California, Colorado, Illinois, North Carolina, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont and Washington.

Hi there About a record I suggest that if you have any Real friends associates that are in the food industry and they are willing to take a chance and vouch for you the possibility of landing a good job is greater.. Skills are better paid and more rewarding blue collar jobs if you really want to make a better living. Carpenters / home framers make good money Women can do that Construction as well and so forth Even working in body shops preparing cars for paint ( to be painted ) Pays about 15 to 19 bucks commission and you can earn from 40 to 100 hrs in a good week It could vary however don't give up cause in the past I help a friend that serve 5 years in and I hooked up my friend with a company doing repairs on cars the only bad outcome is that he didn't change his old bad company and you can imagine where hi is at again . Never give up! That's the bottom line!!!!!!!

i worked some fast food places that didn't care about background. but if you are trying to become a manager or something than they will do background checks.

Background checks should be for victims crimes!

Felony friendly #felony

What companies will hire someone with a felony on their record?#truckdriver #felony

Depends on the type. If it is drunk driving or other motor vehicle related then find a new career. Other things usually don't have a problem if they do not relate to any part of trucking. Western Express is pretty open about hiring. Some of the larger carriers don't care, especially if there has been some time since conviction (7-10 or more years). Some small carriers also are ok if you talk with them and be open and honest.

For the people with Felony's. I know there is a site that people go to to give work or people that hire people that have a record. Does anyone know witch direction I should go. I need a job badly. #felony

I am extremely employable, teachable, loyal, honest, intelligence, hardworking, and I deserve top priority in the workforce. I have worked really hard to become the woman that I am today! And my felony is 30 years old had nothing to do with theft or anything of theft nature I deserve the opportunity to not prove myself to you but you're reinforce myself to me.
Thank you for your time and attention #backgroundcheck #felony #advice #interview #jobsearch