Be the next to follow.
When was the last time you took a vacation? Do you have any exciting plans this Spring or Summer? Don’t forget to check these tips on managing your paid time off. You should pay attention to any unused PTO that you’ve accumulated in the past two years:
What happens to unused PTO?
The rules and accrual rates for unused PTO vary between companies and states. In some workplaces, your PTO may roll over and continue to increase. If you quit your job, you may be entitled to a payout that matches your unused PTO.
It never hurts to get some extra incentives when applying to a job. Check these 9 different kinds of cash bonus.
Here are some great examples for the Staples jobs with sign on or retention bonuses. You can simply type “bonus” in your keyword search. I see a lot of delivery or warehouse opportunities with $1,000 sign on bonus. Check any opportunities near you today:
Ever since I first started working, I was always a little nervous about annual reviews. Not because I thought I was doing the wrong things, like getting to work late every day or doing a poor job overall, but because having your boss to improve, did not always feel great. For some reason, especially earlier in my career, I had been conditioned to have a fight or flight response to criticism, I know I am not the only one to feel this way. But not all criticism is bad. Some criticism is actually good feedback given to help people grow their skill. Sometimes all it takes for us to benefit from the good kind of feedback is the willingness to listen.
Do you want to learn about good criticism and how to benefit from it?
Check out this helpful article on How to give (and accept) constructive criticism: Tips and examples #advice #wordsofadvice #feedback
How to plan a professional farewell?
A good friend of mine just decided to leave the job she started only three months ago. It was too much outside of her job description and she saw very little possibility to change the work condition. Luckily she got a new offer right away and she’s trying to quit without burning bridges with the current job.
Here are the five tips I shared with her on how to give two weeks notice with 3 examples:
- Find a time to talk to your boss in person
- Make sure to review your employment contract
- Help make the transition smooth
- Keep it diplomatic, and neutral
- Don’t disrespect the company
It’s an art sometimes to leave on a good term. Especially if you feel unhappy about the job. Most of the time I find people using the “It’s not you, it’s me” method to control the damage. How do you usually manage your transition from job to job?
No matter if you are just starting a new job, or you’ve been at a job for a while, or you’re still in the middle of job search, it’s important to keep benefits into consideration to assess the values of the jobs.
What benefits do you think are important at work?
Not all employees in the same company would qualify for the benefits. Make sure to check the minimum hours requirement and the type of employment for the benefit eligibility.
For the benefits that are required by state and federal law such as healthcare or paid family leaves, you should double check the labor regulations (often time posted in the office kitchen or cafeteria).
Also, keep in mind that smaller companies with fewer than 20 employees might not fall under these requirements.
Learn more at How to make the best of your job benefits?
I felt pretty stuck at my last job but I couldn’t figure out why. I got along with my coworker and I had excellent performance reviews. My pay was okay and I enjoyed the work life balance. I got some professional help and met with a career coach. She gave me a couple tips that I found pretty aligned with this unhappy with current job guide. A couple things I found pretty helpful:
- Check in with yourself: sometimes you might have out-grown your current role. It’s good to check in with yourself from time to time to see what you enjoy the most and where you want to be more challenged.
- Talk to ppl outside of your work: exploring how other ppl are with their careers really helps set some perspective for me. I talked to ppl who are in the roles I was interested in and learned about the pros and cons. That’s a great way to figure out if you’re a good fit without having to go through a whole interview and job application process.
- Job search: the coach really emphasized the importance of job search to see what’s out there. She said I might find that the new opportunities are not as good as what I had. But it was important to do the research and comparison.
I ended up following all her steps and moved on to work at Jobcase:). It was a very helpful exercise that I continue to do with any job no matter if I'm happy or not.
Have you checked in with yourself lately? How do you feel about your current job?
A former colleague of mine just lost her job due to the budget cut. She’s worked there for ten years and it’s a very hard transition for her to grief while looking for a new opportunity. The news came very unexpectedly so she’s trying to focus on the off-boarding procedure first. There’s no magic in making those pain and uncertainty go away. A lot of time you just need to be there for them to listen to their fear and disappointment. I found this resource pretty helpful to support your friend and family to get through unemployment.
There are concrete job search steps you can help by:
- Sending them potential job leads you encounter
- Offering to review their resumes
- Connecting them with new networking contacts
- And so much more of just keeping them company since job search is a very lonely process
What did you find helpful from your friends and family when you’re doing job search?
Years of work experience, in-demand skills and higher education levels are good hiring incentives but today's Managers are laser focused on who you are as a person.
What are your core values? How do you make decisions? Do you respond well to difficult situations?
Managers like to ask these questions in order to understand your character traits. Character traits are personal qualities that show how we behave and how we make decisions.
Want to land a good job? Make sure you have one or more of these character traits on your resume...
Responsibility, A responsible person can be trusted to do the job and do it well
Persistence, People with this character trait keep going even in the face of challenge
Flexibility, Flexible people don’t get upset when plans change. In fact, they're eager to try a new approach if necessary
See more in-demand character traits at What are character traits?
Companies that use a flexible workplace model take the needs of each employee into account. Employees may choose to work the day shift, night shift, or a split shift with a long break in the middle. Some flexible workplace situations are as simple as choosing your start and end time.
One key benefit from a “flexible” job is a better work-life balance. Learn more about flexible workplaces, and here are 10 flexible jobs that can meet your needs.
COMMENT BELOW: If you could work whenever you want, when would you start and end your shift?
My wife has been at her current job for 6 months but is fed up. She’s applied to a few places but this one in particular seems ideal. Good commute, great benefits including part time work from home, and would double her pay!
She did a mock call and phone interview and it was sent to the manager for review. They told my wife they would “definitely” get back to her after a week. It’s been two weeks now, but she told me she doesn't want to be "annoying" and #followup yet.
What should she do, if anything? Your #advice is greatly appreciated!! #jobsearch #interview