Often times people make New Year’s Resolutions, What are Your Resolutions for Work? #jobsearch #advice

Dedicated, trustworthy. Have the highest integrity after a successful career in Human Resources. Punctual and a team player.

4 more days to 2022! What is your New Year wish list? Is there anything you wish to be different or stay the same for the New Year?
I’ve been cooped up for most of 2020 and 2021… My wish is to get out more often. Travel, visit families, old friends etc. Trying to define a new comfort zone and challenging myself more.
Any new things or something different you'd like to try in the new year? Share in your comments!

Let's break it down, shall we? I think we all can agree that when something is made complex to a certain degree, it can result in unfavorable circumstances. Just because doctors went to med school for "x" amount of years, it doesn't necessarily mean that they know everything. Why else would their business be called a "practice".
If you hold true to yourself professionally, while remaining confident, eager, and vigilant, you then market yourself as an asset. The company needs you more than you need it. As long as you establish a positive likeness with your interviewer, and provide a willingness to learn new skills, as well as sharpen existing ones, you can't go wrong. Simplify it. And if they don't choose you, well, they missed out on one heck of a catch! Always remember that 🤔🙂💪. Fruit for thought 🙏
I hope everyone has a great and safe New Years!

9 more days until 2022! What was your biggest challenge that you overcame in 2021? To me is to take care of both physical and mental health. I learned how to advocate for health issues, ask for help and be open and vulnerable to make space for myself. It's not easy but I'm making progress day by day.
What is your biggest challenge or accomplishment this year?

As 2021 comes to a close, I've been doing a lot of reflecting on the crazy year we've had! Sure, there have been some obstacles and challenges, but there have also been some wonderful moments as well.
- I got to visit the RMNP and complete a beautiful hike in the breathtaking Rocky Mountains ⛰
- The Jobcase Community fam has grown (Hi @Michael Frash + @Yiming Shuang!!) ♥️
- I was able to save and trade in my car for a used SUV so that I could have more adventures with my dogs. 🐶 🐶
What are some of YOUR proudest/happiest moments of 2021? Share with us in the comments.

The weekend is here and the perfect time to relax. What do you do to Relax? #advice #motivation #inspiration

Play some chess, draw, read and clean up myself and my apartment. Going out for walks and food. The air is noticeably cleaner since the pandemic! Ford

Maybe I could play my violin and maybe eat some barbecue while looking at the scene overlooking the forest in the back?

Should waiters and waitresses pool the Tips they Receive? Lately, this has been a Hot Topic. What are your thoughts?

Absolutely not. You get tipped for good service. If you have to pool your hard-earned cash at the end of the shift, there is a high chance you will end up with less than what you actually made since poor servers have no incentive to get better and earn more to increase the share. It isn't fair to those servers who work hard and do well.

No pooling tips is bad because tips are an incentive to give great service. When servers pool tips they pay for other peoples mistakes. “ Voice of experience“

Their online reviews should tell you that; the good ones are what the company writes so they don't look like bad people.

At first they were amazing and made sure I loved everything about my job and took care of my needs. First signs of troubles, they pull back and things get a bit different. However, my situation was not all Resources’s fault. It had some to do with the empty promises of the company I worked at.

There are a couple of ways you can approach an #interview.
You can be yourself and be honest with presenting who you are, or you can put on an artificial show showing what you think the company wants.
Which approach do you take? #interview #jobsearch #advice
Be more helpful and admit when I am wrong. Follow all safety standards and no shortcuts! Others health and well-being are at stake. Thanks Ford