I'm telling you the truth...
You can tell people this 1,001 times and someone still falls through the cracks. No worries, that use to be me too.
Being organized means, approving activities that take place in your life in four quarters of a day:
So, setup your...
- Morning Schedule
- Afternoon Schedule
- Evening Schedule
- Nightly Schedule
Likewise, when you are organized people will realign themselves according to your schedule.
Unknowingly, greater efforts for proficiency and success will appear effortlessly in your life with a smile.
Then, everything else will fall-in-place for you.
I Believe You Can...!
#workfromhome #firstjob #interview #jobsearch #application #hiringevents #healthcare

I'm telling you the truth...(You should read this.}
Write down your short-term goals. Why is this extremely important?
It's been said that according to the Harvard MBA Business School, the apparent kicker is that the 3% of the class that had both written goals and a plan, were making ten times as much as the rest of the 97% of the class.
Be Proactive: Out of the 5 - Job Titles that you previously listed, select the top three that could make things flow in your life.
Your list should look something like this:
- Program Manager
- Project Manager
- Operations Manager. Okay, I believe I got it...! Then, post this sticky note on your refrigerator door as a daily reminder.
We'll continue this project next week so make sure you stayed posted with me for STEP #3.
I Believe You Can...!
#workfromhome #interview #firstjob #resume #motivation #hiringevents

I'm telling you the truth...
In life, you will encounter several opportunities:
#1. An opportunity to fulfill your purpose in life.
#2. Or, allow someone else to fulfill it before you.
#3. A opportunity to follow your dream in life.
#4. Or, allow someone else to win after you forfeit.
Listen, you have what it takes to make it. The only thing you have to do is demonstrate "a measure of faith."
Then, everything else will fall-in-place for you.
I Believe You Can...!

Horrible service job, they do not train you, they expect you to know how to do the job when you work for them its $400 a week in pay and they lie and say you can work the hours you want BUT you have to work 40 hours per week (M-F schedule ONLY) weekend work not available. So why NOT work for this company is because they tell you, you do things wrong when you #1 you were not fully trained properly #2 You have to know the stuff before hitting the production floor #3 No one helps you when you need assistance. HORRIBLE if you don't know how to do it they will FIRE you!

I'm telling you the truth...(MUST READ w/o FAIL.)
Certainly, if I wrote a letter explaining to you that, "you're about to succeed" it would blow your mind to understand how.
However, let me share these 4 - Distinct Related Aspects that are UNRECOGNIZABLE at-a-glance:
#1. Disbelief #2. Disillusion #3. Disappointment #4. Discouragement
When I set aside the time to articulate these four aspects as mentioned above, they will awaken you to new levels of expectations.
Learn this and live it fully, and watch everything else fall-in-place.
I Believe You Can...!
#motivation #inspiration #dedication #determination #donedeal

I'm telling you the truth..
No matter how bad things may seem, and it makes no difference if the birds don't sing.
You MUST "maintain the spirit to win." Here are 7 Essential TIPS:
#1. Stay motivated. #2. Stay educated. #3. Stay inspired. #4. Stay admired. #5. Stay desired. #6. Stay driven. #7. Stay liven.
Thrust yourself forward, and by all-means possible, maintain the spirit to win, and everything else will fall-in-place.
I Believe You Can...!
Maintaining your spirit to win can beat the odds, then everything else will fall-in-place.
I Believe You Can...!

OMG y’all…last Wednesday I got a text out of the blue inviting me for an interview. They used my full name ; first, middle, last. The person gave me a name of Mrs. Rebecca Bailey of Ciena Corp. They claimed they saw my resume on Indeed and they just knew I’d be a perfect fit for one of their openings. They went on the list a broad variety of positions - most of which I am not qualified for: IT, marketing, human resources, bookkeeping/accounting, etc. and which am I interested in? (RED FLAG #1) So, I get on Google Hangouts and go thru an interview with someone using the name Katie Felts. Surprise, surprise, I pass the interview and they want to give me a remote position as an administrative assistant (which I did not request) and pay me $29 per hour. (RED FLAG #2) They will be sending me a brand new MacBook but I would have to order a long list of software from their vendor. (Curious, why not have the software loaded on the MacBook before shipping it? RED FLAG #3) Accounting sent me an email with a $2800 check attached (the name on the check was MERCK - RED FLAG #4) that I am to mobile deposit to my account and as soon as its accepted, order all of this software. In the meantime, I have to check in with this person the next morning and let her know the bank accepted the check. Well, shock of shocks, the bank rejected the check because they said it was an altered or fictitious item. As soon as I told Katie Felts this news, I was instantly blocked from the conversation. Well, wouldn’t you know, I got another text message today from a different company. The wording was a little different but basically the same scam. They reel you in with the promise of outrageous wages, then if the bank takes the check, you order thousands of dollars of software/equipment under the guise that they are paying for it but by the time the check is returned, the scammers have stolen your money. I have saved the entire conversation in Hangouts, the emails they sent and will be making a report with the FBI. I don't want anyone else to be suckered in like I was. Thankfully, my bank is really looking out for me. Some things to watch for: recruiters email address should be name@company.com and not name@gmail.com. They want to offer a lot of money for low level positions. They will ask questions like how often you want to be paid, and which position you want. I have never been given a choice for payday - weekly or every two weeks - or which job I want. The IM conversation will be full of poor grammar and misspellings. Do a quick Google search for the company name. The one I got today turned out to be a Dutch energy company. Report the numbers as spam and block them on your device and keep detailed notes for law enforcement.