Welcome to the Jobcase resource center for unemployment in Colorado. If you are here, you are probably trying to figure out your unemployment benefits to keep you afloat during this challenging time. Applying for unemployment benefits can be complicated, so we put together these resources to help you navigate.
What is it called?
The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) runs the state's Unemployment Insurance (UI) program.
The fastest + easiest way to file a claim is online.
Head to the SmartFile website to
- File an unemployment claim
- Reopen a claim
- Report a new job separation on you existing claim
If you are a traditional employee and are not working, file a regular unemployment claim:
- If your last name begins with a letter from A to M: File on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday or after 12PM on Saturday
- If your last name begins with a letter from N to Z: File on Monday, Wednesday, Friday or before 12PM on Saturday
Click here for more information about when to file.
By Phone
You can also get help with your application by calling the Call Center between 8AM – 4PM, Monday–Friday.
- Denver Metro: 303-318-9000
- Toll-Free: 1-800-388-5515
- Spanish Denver Metro: 303-318-9333 Toll-Free: 1-866-422-0402
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing (TTY) Denver Metro: 303-318-9016 Toll Free: 1-800-894-7730
Info you need to apply
Colorado law requires all persons 18 years and older to provide proof that they are lawfully present in the United States before receiving unemployment benefits.
You must provide one of the following forms of identification:
- Valid Colorado driver's license or a valid Colorado ID card
- United States military ID card or a military dependent ID card
- United States Coast Guard Merchant Mariner card
- Native American tribal document
- Valid driver's license or ID card issued by another state or Canada. U.S. Passport
FAQ + Resources
For more information, please click here
Good luck, we're here to help! Information is changing quickly. Please consult the state's applicable website provided above to be sure the information is valid.