I have a interview at chick-fil-a (assistant manager). I’m currently a assistant manager at my current job so I’m not worried about my duties but I’m worried about my tattoos and piercings. I have no issue wearing long sleeves to cover my tattoos. but am I wasting my time with this company? And aren't sure if they are even LGBTQ friendly.
#interview #management #advice #foodservices #LGBTQ #tattoos #piercings #chick-fil-a #chickfila #wordsofadvice #application
CHIK-FIL-A is not LGBTQ friendly! As a lesbian myself, my wife and I refuse to eat there! Not a good fit for you!
I should say - when applying for a job everyone should dressed decent , neat , casual khaki pants , casual polo shirt with collar , no t-shirt with bold prints, no sandals or slippers or tennis shoes . Casual attire , casual shoes , preppy style . If you’re applying for an office job wear formal outfits , dressed shirt , dressed pants , nicely ironed clothes , dressed shoes and wear socks , clean fingernails well groomed hair and be neat , dressed to empress ! If you have reference letters from your former employers bring it with you , excellent resume and never criticize your former job and have self confidence in you .No sleeveless clothes for women , decent dress , no showing off of your cleavage, no chewing of gum , no strong perfume , no too much jewelry like you’re a walking K-Mart jewelry store no dangling long key chains on the side of your pockets like you’re a ward guard inside Alcatraz , simple decent attire , no leggings and no tight blouses like your showing off your rolly polly muscles like you’re a Chinese’s Sharpei , be neat and no cursing on your interview please ! Be formal ! Act decent ! GOD LUCK TO YOU ALL JOB HUNTERS !
Present yourself with the best you. And if they don't like that. Then that wasn't the place you want to work anyway. Ones loss is always another's gain.
It's chick-fil-a and they're a "Christian" organization in other words a bunch of "conservatives" spewing their backward rhetoric on morality as a side dish to their chicken sandwiches! They will NEVER and I mean NEVER accept you for who you are. There are many other companies out there that will hire you for your experience and because they believe in DEI... If a company is not DEI friendly, run like a bat out of hell! This is coming from a Puerto Rican/Italian whose had to deal with sexual harassment and discrimination for years as an Executive Assistant. Their chicken ain't all that, I mean really who needs the extra cholesterol!!! Move on!!!
They are NOT LGBTQ friendly in the least.....
Doesn't matter if you're a lesbian straight from another planet they can't discriminate against you come on now don't believe all the liberal hype
Chik Fil A actively donates to anti LGBTQ causes
Go in reserved, positive and be yourself… if it’s meant to be you’ll land the job! Good luck!
Google it.
I totally agree with Carrie. I have learned the hard way at many jobs even after being hired…your personal life is totally yours to leave at home ya know? They might ask you to cover your tattoos at the most, but I wouldn’t even bring it up unless they do, and I certainly wouldn’t start taking about anything personal like that. Good luck!!