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Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I learned to be punctual, accurate with accessing the measurements of the homes. I knew not to take any shortcuts. In the inspection process. The job was very gratifying.

Janice Reed
Community SpecialistBullet point
Community Specialist
over 6 months ago

Zillow plans to add 2,000 new workers this year to add to its roughly 5,000-employee workforce nationally.

What is Zillow? Founded in 2006, Zillow is the most-visited real-estate website in the U.S., offering customers an easy online experience for selling, buying, renting, and financing homes.

Start your job search and apply online today for immediate employment consideration at Zillow Careers

The company is looking for talent across several industries, including engineers, analysts, and IT managers, and we now know just how much they are willing to pay, with salaries as high as $325,000/yr.

Zillow currently has more than 250 remote job positions available on its website, see Zillow - Remote Job Opportunities

Application Tips/Suggestions:

  • If you decide to apply for any of these new job opportunities, make sure to include an optimize resume with your online application.

Doing this will significantly improve your application rating and increase your probability to get called in for an interview.

  • You can also maximize your hiring potential for this and other job opportunities by following these quick and easy online application strategies, see Jobcase app: profile tips to get hired for more information.

Feel free to reach right back to us on this post if you have any questions before you apply. Thanks & Good Luck!

#Zillow #hiringnews #jobsearch #fulltime #workfromhome #engineer #IT #Analyst #NationWideUSA
