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Karen Murphy
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I was just reading this article


about how some millennials are asking for a "Mental Health Day". I'm wondering what Jobcasers think. When you need a day off to deal with something and aren't sick, do you

  • ask for a Mental Health Day
  • or are you afraid of the stigma and just call in sick?

#worklife #jobcase

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Kathleen Grover
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Hi everyone, I'm new to job case but wanted to share with you this resource. I've been an executive assistant for 30+ years, was laid off but have had some really spectacular interviews, however I'm not landing any job offers. I'm on a personal journey to figure out if I want to do this same type of work or if I would really like to do something different. I thought I would share the book that I am reading to find out where I'm at and where I want to go. If you have a curious mind like me that's great, and if you're not into that's ok as well. Best wishes!


#resource #worklife #evaluation #lifeplan

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Karen Murphy
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

As countries around the world grapple with how to handle the coronavirus, companies are starting to make decisions about how to keep their workers healthy. Chevron, in London, sent their workers home to "work from home" - link here: https://fortune.com/2020/02/26/london-coronavirus-work-from-home-chevron-sends-traders-home/ Has your company shared any information about what their strategy will be? Do you have the ability to "work from home"? Will you postpone work travel until the virus subsides? #coronavirus #worklife #travel #wfh

Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Whatever profession, it's probably safe to say that you've probably experienced a creative block. It happens to everyone! Ways that I break through a creative block include taking a walk, grabbing a book, drawing it out, walking the dog or just sleeping.

What are some ways you spur more creative thoughts?

#worklife #officelife #motivation #firstjob

Mark Bryan
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I've always been very lucky to have super supportive bosses and teams when I need to take some time out of the office to help care for my kid/family. But I know so many others in the workforce aren't as fortunate. I was hoping the power of the Jobcase community could lend some advice to those who find themselves needing to make some hard decisions when it comes to childcare/family care and work. #Healthcare #Advice #Family #Worklife

1 Comment
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I found this exciting blog post about creating a safe work culture and wanted to share it. Our company practices a lot of this!

Does yours?

  1. Get your team to show appreciation for each other One easy and rewarding thing you can do to create a positive working environment is to actively show appreciation for your team, and encourage them to show appreciation for each other. This can be done in an unstructured way, by just encouraging your employees to be thankful to each other. Alternatively, this can be done in a more structured manner by using tools such as Mentimeter to create and hold reflection sessions with your team where you can share feedback. Test out this template with your team:

  2. Make space for equal and open discussions The workplace should be the perfect place for open discussion. Discussion sessions can be a great opportunity for brainstorming and generating new ideas. When conducting group discussions, you may find that some team members will dominate the discussion. In order to promote a safe and positive environment for the whole team, develop a system where everyone gets the chance to voice their idea or opinion. Try out this discussion template to encourage a fair and open discussion with your team:

  3. Learn about different personality types If you find that there are some tensions between team members in the group, you should tackle this proactively. Usually, any tensions between members are down to lack of communication and different personalities. Therefore, you will want to consider holding a workshop or presentation that looks at different types of personalities. This will help your team to get to know each other and understand how to work with each other better. A team that understands each other will definitely have a positive impact on your working environment.

  4. Celebrate team wins A team that celebrates together, stays together. You will discover that most successes you have in your work are not down to one person, but a whole team. Be sure to celebrate wins in the workplace, no matter how big or small. This will not only help people to feel appreciated but also make them understand that they are having an important impact on the organization too! Get your team to decide on how they would like to celebrate their next win. This will help them feel more invested in their goal. Try out this interactive Mentimeter template to decide:

  5. Spend time together not working Your employees are human, not resources or man-hours. Take some time to do a non-work related activity together. This can help to rejuvenate the team and also help them to see each other beyond their job title. If your team feels relaxed and comfortable in each other’s presence, this will create a positive and safe working environment.

  6. Use anonymity where appropriate You can create a safe discussion environment by using anonymity where appropriate. This can be useful if you need to discuss sensitive topics or need to ask for very honest opinions or feedback on something. There are a number of ways of doing this, for example by using an anonymous feedback form. You can also use Mentimeter to collect anonymous feedback.

  7. Reflect back on the week together Take time to reflect on what you and your team have achieved during the week. This is something that we do each week at Mentimeter. On Friday afternoons we set aside 15 minutes and use our tool to reflect on the past week. We look at a different area each week, but try to keep the discussion positive and focused on our learnings from the week, so that everyone has a great feeling when they leave the office on a Friday! Test out this Friday reflection template and take a look back on the week:

  8. Trust your team As a leader, it is essential that you trust your team. Avoid micromanagement, or taking over tasks that others should be responsible for as this will cause your team to harbor negative feelings. Instead, nurture an environment of trust and give your team freedom (with responsibility, of course) and this will spread positivity throughout your employees.

  9. Set boundaries and expectations together Create a positive and safe environment together by conducting a workshop where your team can set boundaries and expectations together. By creating these commitments together you will avoid team members from feeling that something has been ‘imposed’ on them, and instead they will feel more committed to the team's boundaries and expectations as this is something they have created together. Test out this template to find out what your team thinks is important so that you can create rules and boundaries:

Creating a positive and safe environment in the workplace is important for the well being of you and your team and it can be easily implemented and managed. Try some of these tips and see if you feel a difference. Good luck!


#worklife #workculture #officeculture #work #positivity

Bullet point
over 6 months ago
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