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Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Being Black in Corporate America

I absolutely love this skit! I have been in this man's shoes before in Corporate America. It's unfortunate that these types of situations are still happening. We have to be confident in speaking up when we feel slighted in any way. Salary, bonuses, and raises are definitely a hot topic in the workplace. Have you ever had an experience similar to this in the workplace?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YEsh5MlwqY #SpeakUp #Black #CorporateAmerican

Brian Barrott
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

In short, "Speak-up" in Krivoy Rog is a professional and caring environment which constantly strives to improve its self as an education service provider.

1 Comment
Bennett Lynch
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Last week everyone got an office-wide email from the folks up top informing us of a new policy coming into effect immediately. Now, I won't share specifics, but this policy was pretty asinine and pretty soon talk was going around the office about it. Nobody could see what the benefit was to this policy other than making it harder for us boots-on-the-ground folks.

Morale was low, but nobody was willing to make a fuss about it, so I decided to be "that guy" and take it up with my manager one day. I asked him what he thought about the policy and he kind of shrugged his shoulders. It was clear to me that he didn't like it but didn't want to say anything bad about it. I decided to let him know that this policy would really make it tough on the rest of us and why. He was cool about it and said he'd take it up with upper management.

Last week my manager CC'd me on an email to our CEO about some of the complaints he'd received about the policy. Well today I got an event invitation to a meeting with the CEO. I honestly didn't know what to expect at first, but I accepted the invite and just a few hours later I was in the CEO's office alone. He started out by thanking me for coming. He explained their rationale for the policy and honestly it made some sense if you looked at it from his position, but it still seemed unnecessary from my perspective. He asked me a few questions about my perspective and I did my best to relay what I'd heard from others and what I thought about it. After that I was free to go, but before I left he stopped me and said, "Thanks for being honest with me, Ben."

Not an hour later another company wide email went out from the CEO basically saying the policy would no longer be in effect starting immediately. As it went around I heard people whispering and celebrating. I felt like a regular corporate hero. I realized something important in that moment. If it had gone any differently I'd probably start looking for a new job right away. Nobody deserves to be in a position where they don't feel heard or respected by the place they commit a large portion of their time and energy to. Whether your complaint is small or large SAY SOMETHING. You might be pleasantly surprised by how your employer responds.

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Fred Goff
CEO and Founder of JobcaseBullet point
CEO and Founder of Jobcase
over 6 months ago

Do you bring problems to your boss? Solutions? or problems with suggested solutions?

Usually problem brew up to the person you report to. If everything is going fine, and if you know your authority well, then no need to bug anyone else - right? But when things go wrong, usually you need to check in with a Boss to either let them know, or to double-check your authority in addressing the problem.

Here's my 2 cents of advice - try to bring solutions when you surface an issue or problem. Even if its a suggestion. You will be seen in a constructive light, grease the wheels on promotions and goodies (titles, $$, benefits, etc.) and prob have more productive relationship. This isn't always possible, but whenever it is, pause and put a solution to the situation!

#workplace #gettingahead #promotion #relationship #boss

1 Comment
Jennifer DiFante
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Interviews can be intimidating, don’t be afraid to be an advocate for yourself! #askquestions #speakup #confidence
