I can't say really. I just know I went for the job done and don't right. I don't really want to speak on others.

I have loved all my jobs I like to work

I'm a Nigerian, smart and hardworking. I'm open for relocation. So i need a company who will help me get a working permit to work and live in the country. Thanks #hospitality #foodservices #sales #real estate #workfromhome #customerservice #fulltime

I was treated very well there and enjoyed a very good relationship with the owners.. I also enjoyed doing the accounting, payroll for the owners. Everyone in that office were good people to work with.

Val is an excellent boss! The support staff is amazing! Great place to work! #mythoughts #real-estate

Coming out of retirement due to COVID. Am the principal real estate broker of my own GA licensed brokerage company. Would do some in-person contact but prefer telecommunications and remote work. Know leases and contracts thoroughly. #Real Estate Broker, advisor & consultant.

Hi Jessica! I know this is a hot topic right now. I think that there are many reasons people feel they are nervous but there are also many more that feel safer once they are vaccinated. I think of it like this...when we had a measles vaccine (and our MMR as kids) people didn't question because there were so many deaths. For all we know COVID could be included in the future MMR shots our future children will have one day. I think do your research and stay safe! I know I am nervous myself, but I also know many, many people who have lost family. In India 200 people are dying each hour because the medical care is so poor. I just feel lucky that we in the US have an option to decide.Wishing you the best!