Be the next to follow.

What Teresa Phillips said!!

I have been searching for work for the past 6 months, literally applied for over 200 positions. (Believe it!) I have a graduate degree that doesn’t seem to be worth the paper it’s printed on. I continuously hear more & more people talk about how it SEEMS like places are hiring but they’re NOT REALLY hiring. I spoke with a store manager today who confirmed that positions/jobs posted on career sites are often not taken down when the position has already been filled…. & to be completely transparent, this makes me livid! I’m sure there are others who have been busting their a** to apply for jobs THAT DON’T even exist! I have personally experienced anxiety so high I felt like I was in fight or flight for days on end.
- I should note that I have applied to hourly wage jobs where no experience was necessary nor was a college education… and still …. crickets … or I would receive a message that another candidate was chosen for the position. 😤
I’ve experienced what I perceive to be “educational discrimination” & have considered removing a degree or possibly both of my degrees from my resume (which makes me sick!).
** If anyone has been experiencing anything similar, I have discovered ONE technique that can save you a lot of time. Before applying, call the company first & ask if they are actually hiring. So far, this has gotten me past the career page BS 3 times & I have been asked to directly email my resume to the person on the other line to bypass the 50, 75, 100 people who have applied. It’s also quick & easy and saves time applying for jobs that don’t really exist!
If anyone has discovered other techniques aside from applying on career sites, PLEASE SHARE! I am desperate as I’m sure many of you are as well.
Best wishes! #thetruthaboutcareersites, #advice, #pleasehelp, #newtechniques

Are there any remote jobs in different states that are hiring and you don’t have to live in that state.. Please Help l #jobsearch #felon #Pleasehelp

How come it’s so hard to get hired from all these remote jobs at home ? I have filled out multiple applications and have heard nothing…… I need this opportunity if someone would just give me a chance I have plenty of experience in sales and customer service. I have over 15 years experience. I also have experience in bookkeeping to. I am taking care of a sick family member and need to be home to help him but I also need to work, we need the income! help#needathomejob #pleasehelp

So I was racially discriminated at wrk by HR and not sure what I should do. I already went to the “higher ups” but every one said “aww she didn’t mean it like that, she as a weird sense of humor” …. #pleasehelp not to mention IM STILL IN TRAINING

15 looking for my first job. I really would love to do some thing to have to do animals I’m great with animals but I also have restaurant experience from working at my family restaurant I have a great attitude and I’m very positive and I would love to make some of my own money! #firstjob #anyideas #pleasehelp

So I’m currently receiving unemployment benefits after waiting a whole month. My job told me earlier in March my department was closed due to lack of work and coronavirus .... I just got a call today from my job almost 2 months later saying they want me back all of a sudden yet I am a single mom with no childcare and no transportation to work at this moment ... I’m afraid if I don’t go to work they will call unemployment and say I refused work but I don’t have any child care so I’m not sure what to do also I can not risk getting me or my child sick in daycare or me at my job ... #needadvice #pleasehelp

I need a job any job it really doesn’t matter at this point #pleaseHelp

I'm desperately looking to #workfromhome #pleasehelp
Show up in a very good mood, with a smile and great attitude and looking your best.