I was an aircraft maintainer making 80k per year before overtime. I wanted to make more, so I went and earned my BSME degree and I'm being offered $65-$75k.. This doesn't make sense.. My mortgage is $25k per year, and my school loans are $6k per year. I have 4 kids and a wife.. I can't make peanuts after getting this degree. It was a lot easier working on aircraft than engineering them, so why pay me less?! #engineer #Aviation #payscale #underpaid #knowledgeispower #selfworth

Looking on these work search site, I have realized. People are really trying not to pay people to work. I will not work for less then what Im making Now and then expected me to have my bachelors Degree. How does that make any sense. What I made now is more them what I see people hiring for. Not sure why someone would have a Degree and only make 12-14 dollars and hour.. Something is wrong there..... But I will keep looking... #MotherofThree #MsJanet