Caught in the web of undervaluation, I find myself in a job that pays far less than I deserve. Despite consistently going above and beyond, the factory's refusal to pay a fair wage has left me feeling exploited. Why do they treat hardworking individuals like this? It's like building a masterpiece and getting pennies in return. #Underpaid #Frustrated

I’d like to know what others think about this situation. I got a job with a family-owned business in my chosen career field after a long involuntary hiatus. Much of the job is similar to what I remember, with the addition of new technology that I am working hard to learn. After I worked there for a little over a month, my boss and her family, essentially the entire staff besides me, left for a week-and-a-half vacation. I am running the business by myself, and doing work that is physically beyond my ability, after extremely minimal training. And I’m getting paid half of industry standard for my field. I’m 2 1/2 years from retirement. My daughter says I should ask for more money, and quit if I don’t get it. My husband said nothing, but I know he absolutely will not tolerate me not having a regular income. (I also freelance, but it’s sporadic). I love the work for which I was hired, but this job is way more (and less) than I bargained for. Thoughts? #underpaid #overworked #undertrained #advice

I was an aircraft maintainer making 80k per year before overtime. I wanted to make more, so I went and earned my BSME degree and I'm being offered $65-$75k.. This doesn't make sense.. My mortgage is $25k per year, and my school loans are $6k per year. I have 4 kids and a wife.. I can't make peanuts after getting this degree. It was a lot easier working on aircraft than engineering them, so why pay me less?! #engineer #Aviation #payscale #underpaid #knowledgeispower #selfworth

- The company's profits are growing (but your salary isn't)
- Similar job listings offer more compensation for the same work
- Colleagues with similar responsibilities and experience levels make more than you
Check the other 7 signs and how you should do about it in comment👇

I'm confused. When did careers paying $12-15 an hour require a 4 year or Masters degree? And on top of that 2-10 years experience.
In my recent job searches I'm running into this time and time again. Any input would be appreciated.
#OverQualified #OverKill #UnderPaid #AreYouKiddingMe #DazedAndConfused #SingledOut

I've been at my job for 16 years and dont get the recognition or praise that I should. I have been overlooked and feel very disrespected. It's time for me to move on I think. I have been managing for the past 13 years and have put apps in and no return on anything. What's wrong with me? Or is it that none wants to deal with training me on something different

When is what you're expected to do too much for the pay you receive? When do you know that the pay you receive isn't worth the title you carry?