Check out Lamb Weston's Boardman East, Warden, and Columbia Basin Blends plants for multiple job opportunities!
#possibilities #potatoes #career #foodservices #nowhiring #packagingoperator #sanitation #productionoperator #utility #electrician #team #manufacturingplant

Don't work there! The management style is not for the employee. They are more focused on disciplinary action than encouragement and reward. I know of too many people that have been written up for things outside of their control and fired for little things because the company needs to have someone to blame for everything. It used to be a good place to work with a positive environment but that has all gone downhill with the new plant director. He says he is for safety but it's really about production. There is nothing he does that speaks about caring for the employee.

Honestly like it alot... It not too stressful, the climate it Koo, not to hot not to strenuious. Pretty Kool job for females and males

I never do mistake with Anika , I always do the best and hard working.