I’ve been out of work since the beginning of October of 2022 and I have interviewed over a couple of dozen times. I’ve worked in Automotive, High End RV, and Automotive Refi/ Cash Out Refi/ Leasing/ New & Used Car Finance. I’ve sold everything from Kirby Vacuums to Million Dollar Motor Homes. I’ve also submitted almost 200 applications, and still I can’t land a job. Heck, I’ve even operated CAT 315C’s, 320L’s, 345B’s, and 385B’s & C’s. Not anything too big like the 5110’s. I’ve done simple stuff like chopping up rebar with acetylene, running skid steers. But I can’t seem to land a job for nothing. Not sure if I’m coming off too desperate but, having 4 kids, a mortgage, car note, and monthly medications & medical bills up to my ears. I kinda am. I haven’t put my construction experience on my resume, because it wasn’t very consistent work and I bounced around from outfit to outfit working jobs until they were done. Plus, I injured my back from a very significant fall when I was a tree climber for a while before I went into Automotive Sales & Finance. Oh. Not sure what to do nowadays … and I moved from the Northeast down here to Southeast Texas, where it’s hotter than the dickens! Doing grunt work for construction, is out of the deal for me. I would do it if it didn’t have such a high probability of me ending up crippled and not ever providing for my family. Thank God that my wife has a career that has kept us afloat! Can’t have her taking care of us forever. #workfromhome #needajob #needacareer #autofinance #salesexperience

#jobsearch I need a job as a cashier in any shopping mall or gas station. I'm 20 years old. I applied many place,but they took another candidate every time. They asked me for interview. I got there.After that, they never contacted with me. I don’t have anyone for reference in job. Please help me. I really need job. #urgentjob #jobhelp #advice #interview #cashier #advice

17y/o in Richmond looking for work, can be in person or at home, #workingfromhome #needajob

Hey I’m new on here looking for as many options as I can get #needajob #motivated #newfriends

I terminated my housekeeping jobs because I wanted to switch to something related to my field of study, but now I can't even get an interview. I am about to finish all my savings. #needajob #goingbroke

I’ve been applying to so many places for about 3 weeks now and still have no received a call nor a email and I really need a job please help.

Good Morning HR Department I am searching job as a Autocad Draftsman job please help me through these mail i sending my resume to you consideration please help me. Best Regard's Thank You MKGM

because of my criminal back ground i hope they can sleep at night knowing they are going to starve my unborn child