Happy Friday Community!
As this week comes to an end so do my thoughts for the week. Sometimes when searching for a job it can be overwhelming?Taking the time to apply for a job(s) and waiting for the answer can be frustrating? Being out of work Isn't easy as we know?
Why not take time to network at your local Chamber of Commerce? Search your local Employment Agency and take advantage of the classes they offer? Most are free to the public and people in search of employment. Each month I try to take advantage of building my network by attending groups that post-meeting times on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Which leads to my next thought. Have you ever searched local groups on your Facebook page? You will find groups you can build your network with as I have too! Many groups are hosting a meeting where you can get to reach others and build your network!

My favorite is “Wars are won in the general’s tent.” This is a reminder that preparation is a key to success.
Disorganized at work and not getting much done? Make a list of what needs to be done, define how you will accomplish it, and then rank the tasks by importance.
Have an upcoming interview? Research the company, learn something about the manager before going in, and pick out a few things about yourself that will be valuable to the employer. Oh, don’t forget to have an answer to “Tell me about yourself.”
This quote has instilled routines in myself both at work and at home. You better believe my kids' lunches are made the night before!
What are some motivational or useful quotes that are relevant in your working life?

I landed my first job by starting off as a volunteer! I went to a sailing camp for a number of years when I was younger and learned to sail. I eventually started volunteering at the camp and after a couple summers was hired as a paid sailing instructor. If there's a job or industry you're really passionate about, seeking out volunteer opportunities could be a great way to get your foot in the door!

About 35 years ago, my best friend hit one hardship after another. Her husband cheated on her, and almost immediately broke his leg (not at work). While trying to care for him and mend their marriage, she had to try to support her family which included 4 small children. They had to move into a single wide trailer to make ends meet. Lisa always put her kids to bed by 8 pm, no exceptions. That was her down time. But one night, she, for no known reason, allowed her kids to stay up. At about 8:30 that night, the fuse box, which was located in the hall just before the bedrooms, exploded into flames. Lisa grabbed her kids and threw them outside, then dragged her husband out. The trailer took only 7 minutes to burn to the ground. In tears for her, I blurted, "Why YOU??!!" She replied, "If NOT me, then WHO? God gives me the strength to get through whatever I need to." All these years later, I reflect on what would have happened if she had put her kids to bed 30 minutes earlier, and her words still echo in my head. This has gotten me though some pretty rough times. I hope it will help you, too.

When you know not what to do .. take a nap or stop thought by meditating! Doing these two things breaks the patterns of faulty thinking died in its tracks. While sleeping all energy is "Reset".
Someone reminded me yesterday when my mind was running around in a circle about seemingly some major issue I was having about with my new job. I thought I was right on the brink of losing because I couldn't figure out how to resolve a work issue.
This person advised me: "When you know not what to do .. do nothing."
Well things just kept getting worse, so I turned off my cell phone, shut down my computer and shutdown my body, and mind as much as I was capable of at that time ... and went to bed. It was like 4:00 PM in the afternoon. However, I felt that as long as my mind was running rampant this was attracting thoughts of likeness to the bad one that set it all off.
Therefore, I was creating situations of likeness to itself. I did this right at a point of thinking that this contract position I just received was over no sooner then I had started, just this week.
So "Mental Reset" was required to break up the momentum I was building in a direction I did not want!
So this morning not long after awakening and doing my daily "Mind Reset" a new thought manifested about the situation and instead of me doing what I've always done in similar situations and that is just to walk away ... I did something new, and even though its to soon to tell I believe I broke a bad habit and more than likely will get a better result.
It might not amount to anymore than me feeling better about myself, but this for me is totally acceptable, and will indeed put me in a better mindset than what has happened in the past.

Wherever, your "FOCUS" is; that is what you will MANIFEST; if you DESIRE one thing but get another, then reevaluate where you really have been focused! Life is generated by the results of the boomerang effect....."The Law of Cause and Effect". Cause being Mind (how you allow yourself to think) and Effect being the (Manifestation on a physical level). What you generate through mind goes out into the ethereal world build momentum and comes back to you with an unreconcilable force.
The Universal Power; governed by the "God" Source makes no determination of what you are asking for and really want from what you may be focused on rather it is something you want or don't want. It simply obeys! The Bible: states that God (Elomin) went back to the Heaven in Genesis and stated Now We Must Make Man As We Are.....(With the Ability to Create) "All Power Is Of God, What Is Not of God Has No Power To Do Anything". "One Power two ways to use it". Therefore, don't blame "God" it's our own doing.
"Stand Guard To The Doorway of Your Mind......And Allow No One To Enter With Their Dirty Feet". To apply this concept directly for those seeking an opportunity to advance their financial affairs, their life and an overall sense of well-being....know this....."Rather You Think You CAN, or You Think You CAN'T....Either Way, You Are Right". The Law of Devine Oneness states: "Everything you Think, Do or Say Has An Effect on Everything and Everyone". So let us ALL stop LISTENING TO, THINKING AND SPEAKING Negative THINGS. For rather or not this is what we chose to believe these all listed above become THINGS. "A Thought Is A Thing". All things that exist had to be a thought first!
Definition of the word "Belief": Something that you continue to think. So safe to say change your thoughts; therefore change the world! "As Above, So Below....same as....As Within, So Without! "Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God (Kingdom Where?), Within You....and All Else Shall Follow".
My Best Wishes and Intent Goes Out to Everyone!
Patricia Sarah~ سارة باتريسيا

The greatest part of human pain is unnecessary. It is self-created as long as the unobserved mind runs your life. The pain that you create now is always some form of non-acceptance, some form of unconscious resistance to what is. On the level of thought, the resistance is some form of judgement. On the emotional level, it is some for of negativity. The intensity of the pain depends on the degree of resistance to the present moment, and this in turn depends on how strongly you are identified with your mind. The mind always seeks to deny the Now and to escape from it. In other words, the more you are identified with your mind, the more you suffer. Or you may put it like this: the more you are able to honor and accept the Now, the more you are free of pain, of suffering-and free of the egoic mind. Why does the mind habitually deny or resist the Now? Because it cannot function and remain in control without time, which is past and future, so it perceives the timeless Now as threatening. Time and mind are in fact inseparable. Imagine the Earth devoid of human life, inhabited only by plants and animals. Would it still have a past and a future?
Yes, we need the mind as well as time to function in this world, but there comes a point where they take over out lives, and this is where dysfunction, pain, and sorrow set in. The mind, to ensure that it remains in control, seeks continuously to cover up the present moment with past and future, and so as the vitality and infinite creative potential of Beings, which is inseparable from the Now, becomes obscured by the mind. An increasingly heavy burden of time has been accumulating in the human mind.
These words are not my words, however I agree strongly with them, and would like to share them with you. Tim Forrester

Our Fred Goff talked today with Mike Nikitas on NECN (Boston) about economic uncertainty and workforce empowerment.