If anyone wants to laugh a lot, please e-mail me ! My mom was an entertainer in ww2 good humor runs in the family ! scottsplace54@hotmail.com

I had a dream that I ate a watermelon. I woke up and my pillow was gone!

Sometimes I think I want a perch or a catfish, change my mind and want a tropical fish, or a diamond fish! I've almost caught three within the last three years only two were already snagged and one was only 18 centimeters and was a piece of work, but was so pretty it could have been on the cover of a fishing magazine! One off the coast of Kenya, one off the coast of Italy and the 18 centimeter one was off the coast of Sudan! All liked my bait! A long time ago I pulled in a real beauty. It was in the water staring right at me! This was around the Caribbean Islands about midway between Europe and South America. I kept this fish in my cooler for a long time. One day I looked and it was gone. Now, I sit alone in my boat lost out at sea.

At Los Angeles ca

I just read a story about a flight attendant who quit his job after 20 years with JetBlue. He asked a man to sit down during landing and the guy told him to “F-off.” I guess that was the straw that broke the camel’s back, because he went to the intercom, cussed out the passenger, and quit. He ripped off his tie, took a beer, and hit the emergency exit button - and slid down the emergency slide!
I’m not sure it was wise, but what a way to go!

I've been around but my memory is still intact. I still remember the name of my first Pet Dinasoar! haha!

I can't believe that I got fired from my job at the calendar factory....all I did was take a day off...lol..keep smiling.

I told my old boss that he had 2 brain cells.."one was in a wheelchair and the other was pushing"...now you all know the reason he's my "old boss"...LOL!!

When a telemarketer calls me, I say "yes I'm very interested,..just hang on one second"..then I hold my phone just above the water line in the toilet and flush!!....they dont call back..lol.