What job are you looking for???
Today is your day! Check out all the jobs posted on the job board!
#jobsearch #workfromhome #application #interview #hiringevents #friday #hiring #jobsearch #employee

It is hard finding suitable and sustainable employment.
You scroll through tons of posting, see plenty you are qualified for, spend more hours than you should applying to one after the other.. Taking assessment tests, uploading certifications, licenses and all of that sometimes doesn't even yield a phone interview.. The last time I applied to what looked like my dream position (probably was fluff for interest), I think I spent 3 hours jumping through their hoops of nothing in return. They don't even bother to send the "Thank you for your interest" responses anymore. Out of 20 application, may get five if applying on the main website.
But after all of that it's back to the drawing board of frustration, feeling less than, getting desperate because those residual bills won't accept notice that there currently is no income flow or it's so low that choosing to eat over paying in full is the option one will make.
Remember when you used to look forward to YOUR Friday?
Figure out how to get back to that. Not having a job, a boss, maybe the start to enjoying every day like it's Friday on purpose and with purpose.
You have Infinite Possibilities!
Happy #FigureItOutFriday

I hope you all are at least trying to smile today. IT'S FRIDAY! Not that it means a great deal, but Friday has always made me happy. I today, I made my mind up to do something for myself... I applied for Social Security Disability for my arthritis.
I know, but the first time I applied, I was denied, and I thought, "Okay, nice try, what now?" No one told me that I could keep trying! No one told me that I could get a lawyer and fight! So, I'm back at it with a new attitude! From now on, I WILL FIGHT!
Lynn, the winner

Wishing everyone an awesome Friday! Finish this week strong!! Let me know how your week was??