Please prey that I get my License because the first time I took the test I failed by 2 mistakes and there was 2 Dmv instructors he said I failed because I stopped at the light to early. But tommorow im finally going to retake and I need this, I'm 17 and i need to help my mom out which I can't cause I don't have a job and even if I had a job I still would need transportation so all I'm asking is to prey for the kid so if I pass I could get a job and help out my family and start saving for college.

What is the best way to apply for a job, when it asks you for drivers license, but you have never had one? ( I am over 40 years old)

Hello , my job is currently hiring in the Philadelphia area . The company is called Rent a Center must have a driver license! Apply now any question feel to ask me ! Good luck