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Wanda Powers
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I learned how to bill for home infusion, which reqired math skills.

Lawrence White
Community SpecialistBullet point
Community Specialist
over 6 months ago

Ameritas just listed this new full-time, work from home Participant Services Representative for active job seekers in the market for remote/work from home job opportunities.

Participant Services Representative drive the business by managing day-to-day interactions with retirement plan participants. Responding in a consultative manner to various client service-related topics including but not limited to: account maintenance, contributions or rollovers into the plan, and actively challenging surrender requests to make clients aware of all available options and consequences.

Sound like a Good Job Fit So Far?

Application Tips to Help Maximize Your Hiring Potential!

Upload or Build your new optimized resume - Do you have an updated resume? Upload it onto your Jobcase Profile or use the resume builder option to create your new optimized resume.

Doing this will help expedite your job search journey by making it easier for great local employers to find and recruit you!

Also, boost your job search results and hiring potential with these online brand-building tips offered in Elyssa's article, Jobcase app: profile tips to get hired.

Don’t forget to include your profile pic - A picture is worth a thousand words! Make sure you include your profile picture to ensure you drive more hiring manager interests to your potential and attract more member/employer connections in the community. See How to pick the right profile picture on Jobcase to learn how you can upload a profile pic that fits the image you want to present to employers.

Get Connected! - Your relationships are vital to your network! Use your old connections to propel your hiring potential to new levels. Connect with your family, friends, former co-workers, and managers today and ask them to follow and add personal/professional references on your profile. Doing this will help highlight your skill, strengths, and personal traits and inspire hiring decisions to go in your favor.

#Ameritas #workfromhome #hiringnews #jobsearch #fulltime #finance #retirement #customerservice #NationWideUSA

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