Fair Chance to Succeed

I don't usually post links to sites such as the one below but there is so much good information in this one, including a huge list of employers who are located in Ban the Box States or cities or who have signed the Fair Chance Pledge. There is a formidable list of companies to explore along with some straightforward information about what it takes for someone with a felony background to find suitable employment.
Finding a job as a felon can be pretty frustrating but my favorite quote is in this article. Even a blind man will hit something if he throws enough rocks!
Take some time to check out this article, hit some of those links & come back to Jobcase to be sure your profile is completed so employment opportunities can be sent to you via email. Remember that Jobcase has resume building tools & insights as well as AI functions to help you make the most of your resumes & cover letters.
Good luck & hey, keep throwing those "rocks"!
#secondchances #jobsearch #interview #application #hiringnews

With much experience supporting the federal government, I now seek to work in Maryland and learn and support the organizations in my surrounding areas.

Been out of prison a year, had a good job and got laid off. Got called back on a different shift and had an accident. It took me at least 5 months to find a new job, an it only lasted for 2 weeks. Currently unemployed, but still trying to get a new job.

It's been a while since I posted about felon Friendly job opportunities so I thought this would be a good time to revisit the topic.
Anyone who's spent time inside knows that sometimes, despite your best efforts that finding a job can be a stressful and daunting challenge. Where do you start? If you've spent a number of years out of society and are lacking a good resume and job experience it can be hard to figure out where to look.
This article has some great ideas of how to find your direction. You can use any work experience you gained while incarcerated to develop a list of skills that can be transferred to a good paying job. Some may require certifications & training. The good news is that there are many states and cities that are Ban the Box participants and many companies that have signed the Second Chance Pledge. Look up your state's .gov website to see if you live in one of those areas.
There are paid apprenticeship programs, college courses and training programs available to felons. These are part of an effort to decrease recidivism and give felons a chance to gain employment which benefits them, their families and their communities.
To find out more check out the link below. Also, make sure to complete your Jobcase profile, use the AI Resume Building tool & upload your resume and check the jobs icon on your profile page for job leads. Jobcase also has the Second Chance Resources Center that has lots of information.
Looking for a job as a felon is tough but not impossible. Stick with it, don't give up and don't give in. You got this!

I was listening to KCRW this afternoon, and I heard an interesting ad about an upcoming townhall meeting held by Zócalo Public Square, and sponsored by KCRW. The topic will be the job market for the formerly incarcerated in Los Angeles and beyond.
Representatives from the Strategic Reentry Initiatives of the mayor's office will be discussing the opportunities available to the formerly incarcerated, sharing resources, and providing personal support to anyone who wants to talk about the job market for felons.
Following the discussion will be a reception with snacks and opportunities to connect with the speakers and others working through reintegration.
The event will be held on January 24, 2024 at 7pm at the ASU California Center at 1111 S Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90015.

Reaching new customer's and building good karma along the way. #motivation

Ex-con Benny Lee, former gang leader and death row inmate, challenges prisoner reform by rethinking the path to rehabilitation. He now works as a community liaison and reentry specialist for TASC, preparing individuals for successful transitions and assisting communities in reintegrating incarcerated individuals.
Please, share your experience in a comment. 👇🏻
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I say to you, farewell, 2023 – a year that brought us both what we believed to be impossible challenges and triumphs, deep laughter and puddles of tears. As I bid adieu to yet another chapter of my life, it’s as if I am saying goodbye to an old friend, a companion who pushed me along through every twist that turned. Thank you, 2023, for the lessons learned, the memories created, and the unknown strength discovered in unexpected places.
Now, as the minutes step into the final days that disappear into the last midnight, I eagerly await 2024, with my arms and mind wide open, as if it were a wise teacher stepping into the classroom of my existence. With a freshly cleaned chalkboard full of blank days, this new year stands ready to impart its own set of lessons, opportunities, and adventures. It holds the promise of growth, resilience, and the chance to scribble a fresh narrative on my pages of time.
So, here’s to bidding a fond farewell to the past and embracing the future with the knowledge that the year to come will be better than the last. I say to all, as I say, may the coming year be a compassionate teacher, guiding us through the curriculum of life with patience, kindness and the wisdom to appreciate each and every fleeting moment…. Happy New Year!!! #complete #ending #beginning

It's that time of year once again when I reflect back upon what I've accomplished, what I've fallen short on, and who I am compared to who I was at the beginning of the year.
It does seem this past year has swept past much swifter than any of my previous years, but perhaps it always seems that way. Sometimes I wonder if whoever is in charge of time, wherever they may be located, is messing with me and laughing about my wondering.
There are so many things that I thought I would accomplish by now. Those things I say, "Tomorrow.. tomorrow I will begin; I will do it tomorrow." What's odd is that I always wake up today. I never wake up and say, "It's tomorrow."
Now I sometimes wonder if it's too late, or I ask myself, "What am I waiting for?" Am I running out of time?
This past year has been very challenging for me, but hasn't every other year also? Nothing has ever come easy for me, but has it for anyone?
Maybe it's that time of year when it's easier to feel sorry for myself, and self-pity is not a good place for me to be; it is my enemy.
Throughout this past year I have had a heart attack, lost my job, been evicted, lost my home, been homeless, and was swindled on a vehicle I saved for in a special savings program for over a year.
But, in the past month the VA has put me through every test they have, and I am as healthy as one could hope to be at my age... Physically, that is. Mentally..? Well, how does one actually measure the mind? I will believe I am no more discombobulated than the next person.
But, even though I may not be able to currently complete the courier contracts I signed up for and planned for to be my income, it’s not the end of my existence. There are other options, like scrapping, the very beautiful on the outside, Lincoln Navigator and renting a vehicle on the Turo platform three days at a time until I save enough for another vehicle. Who knows, if this vehicle would not have been junk under the hood, I may have fallen asleep one day on a delivery and rolled over and over down an embankment to my demise.
But, even though the eviction and spending three months homeless in the elements was unpleasant, degrading and humiliating, I have a better place to call home now with a landlord that I am actually able to communicate with, and the bus stops right out in front of the house. Oh, and my 98-year-old grandma is only a 17 minute walk across the college campus across the street. Her eyes light up every time I step through the door. Yeah, I’m still Scooter Pie to her and she really loves me.
There have been many blessings throughout this past year, and I have had the opportunity to bless a few myself. So, as I reflect, the past year hasn’t really been that bad at all. It could have been much worse as I’ve been in much worse conditions and situations before. I know there are many who have it much worse than I.
I do wish the entire planet loved each other and there were no wars, no pain, and no suffering. I believe in all borders being open and respect for everyone. I believe there are far more good folks than bad ones in the world. We are all souls having a human experience who deep down just want to be loved and needed by someone.
As I begin the new year, I will do my best to be a better man and continue to practice kindness, even to those who are not kind to me, because anyone can be kind to those who are kind; that’s easy, but real changes can occur when we are able to be kind to the unkind. It may just rub off.
I am grateful I have this platform to let this out of my mind. I am grateful I am ending this year with a mind of gratitude, rather than that of bitterness. I hope I never forget to remember to be grateful for what I do have and not be bitter about what I don’t have.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this and listen. It does mean so much to me. May you all have a wonderful holiday season, and may all of you accomplish your goals, live your dreams, and continue to get back up when you fall. And remember, if we aren’t failing, we aren’t trying.
Much love to all as we realize today is the first day of the rest of our lives... #2023 #gratitude #blessing #newbeginning

Darnell Washington, despite growing up in a gang environment, pursued college with an uncle's faith. After entering prison, he turned his life around by joining self-help groups like the Restorative Justice Roundtable and the San Quentin Alliance for C.H.A.N.G.E., focusing on healing victims and communities. Darnell has become a leader and facilitator in these groups.
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