Don't work for wabash national. I worked there about 7 years ago. Very prejudice towards minority. Went back there this year. Got fired the same day I started because the guy who kept calling me niggers was still there. And get this he was promoted

It was hard work, but l loved the people l worked with we were a team and encouraged to look out for each other. Safety and hard hats were required as well as ear plugs gloves, l worked with people of all colors and kindness. Thanks for asking Karen Brindle #jobsearch #interview #advice

At first Wabash international was a good company , was a fair and honest company, and often giving people with no welding experience a chance of becoming a welder, by giving free welding classes.and it hired people who otherwise would of not been able to secure a job in that type of manufacturing business.the starting pay was good, the benefits were good and advancement was good .

Family owned local business.

I love the work I was doing

It is a really good place to work , just connect with the positive people and work hard . If you looking for only 40 hour and 15 dollars a hour. Wabash is the place. All the work can be learned! Not hard at all.

Putting all my heart, strength and time believing I could advance. But every time the boss have his picks.

When we was force to take a 2dollars pay cut and go to first. You did that or no job with Wabash! My life is still stressful; but I need a job , I got insurance

Co worker ( teemleader) and my self was at odds and my Supervisor gave me a one on one . By doing that it allowed me to see my wrongs and my rights and that allowed me to relax and be responsible and get back to being professional.

17 dollars pay and the over time!