As far as duties you have to pre and post trip your bus to make sure everything is working correctly, if not it’s on you to make sure the problem(s) get resolved. You get the kids to and from school and home in a safe but timely manner. We go through emergency evacuations on the bus, random head counts and just being able to wear multiple hats at the same time, because we are definitely multiple things to and for these kids, so hate it or love it, suggested that you love it or at least like it 🙂

Not too good they don't want to pay their drivers when coronavirus is going on

My advice to people interested in working at #ForsythCountyBoardofEducation as a #Schoolbusdriver ...
You have a lot of responsibility with all the children's life in your hands . Alert at all times .

Come to work on time, have a positive attitude and dont get frazzled. Handel what you can and if you have a concern speak to your dispatcher privately
I suggest going to the school system of your choice or city bus and get the training you need. They will all pay for your state exam. Training at the schools is unpaid, city bus pays 18 something to train. Good luck, there is a huge need for drivers everywhere