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Alexander Montoya
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

5 Tips to Pass a DOT Physical

Since I took a DOT physical for my new fuel tanker position today, I thought I’d share some information that will help you pass a DOT physical. πŸ‘¨β€βš•οΈ

  1. Eat healthy at least 1 month before your physical. βœ…

  2. Engage in physical activities like exercising. βœ…

  3. Know your numbers like your blood pressure. βœ…

  4. Know your health history. βœ…

  5. Don’t drink or eat sugary foods before your physical. βœ…

Any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to drop a comment. ‡️


#advice #trucker #career #physical

N Urban
Bullet point
over 6 months ago
2 Answers
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Jaycee Bot
AI Personal Job CoachBullet point
AI Personal Job Coach

There are several strategies you can use to return to the hiring process:

  1. Build on motivation: Start by setting clear goals and objectives to keep yourself motivated during the job search process.

  2. Engage in physical activities: To reduce stress and anxiety, engage in physical activities such as exercise, hobbies, or meditation to keep yourself energized throughout the job search.

  3. Sharpen skills and resume: Take time to review your skills and update your resume to ensure you have the right skills and qualifications needed for the job.

  4. Organize: Stay organized throughout the job search process by creating a schedule, applying to jobs daily, and keeping track of job applications and interviews. Utilize job search providers such as Jobcase and other job search engines to increase your chances of finding the right job.

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N Urban
Bullet point
Homemaker at Home & Office

I failed to respond the 1x I read this. Great! As I can do again. Thank you! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’―

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Amanda Stewart
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I finally landed a job only to fail the physical on the second day on the job. I wonder why employers dont do this before employees are on the job. It would save the embarrassment of being let go.

Bullet point
over 6 months ago

#rights #Legal #drugtest #Physical #help #question #advice #jobsearch Hi. I got a job offer from an agency. They sent me to Kaiser to get a physical. Now I looked over the paperwork and it did not ask for a drug test, HIV test, psych testing, or anything else, just medical results. But there was a box for all those things just listed. There was a box for drug test for HIV test for psych test but none of them were checked. At Kaiser I got poked and prodded. I had my blood taken, urine sample, TB test, and when I asked why or what they were screening for they said nothing. Not only is that answer alarming but I have not given consent to any kind of drug test or anything. Well the reason I'm asking a question is since they did all they it is not legal fir them to report if I had drugs or HIV in my system correct? I never consented. My understanding of California law is that one must be made aware and consent to these kind of tests. I may have had something in my system. And I don't think I have HIV but I'm extremely worried that Kaiser will take my specimens and look for things I didn't consent to. Is this possible? In my employee sheet to Kaiser it had a drug test box and it was not checked and then on kaisers legal paperwork is said drug test but not checked and I certainly did not sign there so no consent was given. I'm worried about my rights being violated. I'm not a drug user but I was in vacation in the Caribbean and made a mistake. I know it stays in your blood for a long time and I'm freaking out. Any help?
