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It's Your Time Believe and Achieve
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I'm telling you the truth.. (MUST READ)

Don't ever wait to see what others are doing in the morning or dreaming about after a good night sleep.

Each morning, after you look in the faces of your children and perhaps your grandparents as well. Sit down on the highest mountain in your MINDSET, then, look upward and always say thank you!

You'll be amazed how your words can transcend an attitude of gratitude that surpasses all understanding.

May the surrender of your faith be be counted in your favor for years to come. Can you do this?

I Believe You Can...!

#Learning #Life #Love #Peace #Happiness #Joy #Assurance #PersonalDevelopment

It's Your Time Believe and Achieve
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I'm telling you the truth... (MUST READ)

It has been said that, life is like a mist that appears only for a little while and then disappears."

Each morning when I awaken, even before my feet "hit the floor" I always say two powerful words without fail: Thank you!

You know, after you consider many things and look in the faces of your children, spouse and other dear loved ones, you can find that highest mountain in the imagination of your MIND, then, sit down and say: _________ (Fill-in the blank.) Thank you!

Someone greater than you will always sense your "attitude of gratitude." Are you living a life of gratitude?

I Believe You Can...!

#motivation #inspiration #life #wealth #health #success #gratitude #attitude #others #yesyes #personaldevelopment

Jonathan Howard
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I would recommend trying to improve your communication skills. You seem like a sincere , hard-working person. Your post is full of at least a dozen grammatical errors. Good Communication is essential to any position. I would recommend you find your passion and follow it. Gain additional skills and knowledge to do what you dream of doing! Life is too short not to live your dreams. Confidence will come across in the interview. Confidence comes from knowledge and skills. May you pursue not only the right job, but find the right career and passion for you!!! Make your dreams come true!!!

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