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Eleana Bowman
Community SpecialistBullet point
Community Specialist
over 6 months ago

The job search process can be frustrating. But there are some tips and tricks to help you stand out against the competition and increase your chance of being offered a job! Here are 5 of my favorite #jobsearch tips:

  1. Get your resume and cover letter spruced up
  2. Do your research on the company you're applying to 3.Focus on making connections and networking with others
  3. Dress the part when you go on interviews
  4. Always follow up after an interview with a thank you note

What other tips would you add?? Comment below!

To learn more, be sure to check out our Getting Hired Resource Center!

#jobcasetips #improveyourjobsearch

Elyssa Duncan
Community SpecialistBullet point
Community Specialist
over 6 months ago

Your Jobcase profile makes it easy to get to work - FAST! You can accelerate your job search, connect with like-minded job seekers, gather expert advice, and put your best foot forward to potential employers.

Here are 3 reasons why you should fill out your Jobcase profile:

  1. It makes your work-life portable, thanks to our built-in free resume generator tool.

  2. It helps tailor your job recommendations. Having a completed work history and job preferences helps the community find the most relevant jobs for you.

  3. It helps you look legitimate to other members and potential employers. You wouldn’t apply to a job or meet someone new without introducing yourself first… use your Jobcase profile as a way to tell the community who you are!

For more information, check out these Jobcase app profile tips to getting hired!

#improveyourjobsearch #jobsearch #jobcasetips
