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It's Your Time Believe and Achieve

over 6 months ago
I'm telling you the truth... (MUST READ)
The hands of time can represent many sentimental values, don't you agree? For example:
- Yes, it's tougher than I ever imagined.
- Yes, things look a little gloomy with a glare.
- Yes, I can't see the forest for the leaves on the trees.
- Yes, I'm still searching for answers to close the loop.
HOWEVER, I'm holding on to 1% of confidence saying:
- Yes, this too shall pass very soon.
- Yes, this too shall be a mark not my memory.
- Yes, this too will make me stronger much longer.
- Yes, this too will make me wise and time is on my side.
Now, as I watch my life develop I can learned: Yes, I will be prepared to climb the next mountain; Yes, I will overcome my challenges big or small. Yes, I will develop my inner skills; Yes, when I help others grow, I also learn to grow as well
I Believe You Can...!
#Inspiration #Motivation #Education #ExternalRelationsips #Expectations #Dedication #Application #Communication
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Thanks as always for your amazing positivity Edward : )