Be the next to follow.
Always be early. Well groomed and stand up tall. Always carry yourself with confidence. Although to some it may be intimidating, but its necessary to achieve Great things. #confidence #prompt
Both sides have a need. Companies need a solid employee and employees are looking for a meaningful opportunity.
Hiring is tough for companies, even though they seldom talk about it. Recognize your value and bring your best professional self to determine if a role is right for YOU.
Companies are really good about NOT talking about how frustrating finding a new hire can be for them.
I’ve experienced and seen this first-hand and continue to speak with hiring managers all the time.
Companies always want you to believe they are in full control and can choose whomever they want. That can potentially give them leverage in the discussions, however…
The idea that these negotiations are one-sided is often untrue.
Hiring the wrong person or taking too long to make a hiring decision can be incredibly disruptive to the other employees, not to mention create a risk that employees will leave the company if the workload isn’t spread across more people, for example.
Employees are expensive for companies and, often, an internal case needs to be made and a budget needs to be approved before interviews can begin. That often takes time and approvals are never guaranteed.
Jobseekers: please keep this in mind when you’re interviewing. While you want or need a new role, companies also need a solid employee and can’t afford to have a big misstep.
Let this insight give you more confidence and awareness about the hiring dynamics as you move along in your job search.
Here are some of the biggest takeaways I read on an article online, that you can learn and take with you to help as you take charge of your career (in whatever form that takes). As I look back on these lessons, I realize that they're really great reminders for us all.
Confidence Must Comes First
Successful people exude confidence - it's obvious that they believe in themselves and what they're doing. Think about it...
Doubt breeds doubt Why would anyone believe you if you doubt yourself?
It takes confidence to reach new challenges People who are fearful or insecure tend to stay in their comfort zone. You can choose courage or comfort but you cannot have both.
Unconfident people often feel at the mercy of circumstance. Successful people aren't deterred by obstacles. They fight through them which is how they rise up in the first place.
No one is stopping you from what you want to accomplish but yourself. It's time to remove any barriers created by self-doubt and let your self confidence soar.
You're Living the Life You Created
- You are NOT the victim of circumstance. The circumstances you're living in today are your own --- you created them. This means that your future is entirely up to you. If you feel stuck - it's probably because you're afraid to take the risks to achieve your goals and live your dreams. When it's time to take action - it's better to be at the bottom of the ladder you want to climb than at the top of one you don't.
Being Busy does not equal being Productive
- Look at everyone around you. They seem so busy but success doesn't come from movement. It comes from FOCUS - ensuring that your time is used efficiently and productively.You get the same number of hours in a day as everyone else. Use your hours wisely because after all you're the product of your output, not your effort.
You're only as good as those you Associate with
Strike to surround yourself with people who inspire you, people who want you to be better. And you probably do. What about the people who drag you down? Why do you allow them to be a part of your life?
Anyone who makes you feel worthless, anxious, or uninspired is wasting your time and potential. And they are possible influencing you to be more like them. Life is too short to associate with people like this. Cut them loose!
Squash your negative self-talk
- When you're taking charge of your career, you won't always have a cheerleader your corner. This magnifies the effects of self-doubt. Food for thought : Negative thoughts are just that - thoughts, not facts.
When you find yourself believing in the negative thoughts - write them down.
- Things that your inner voice says. Literally stop what you're doing and write them down. Once you are done, I promise you that you will be more rational and clear-headed. Then you can focus on the positive.
Avoid asking "What If
- Asking what if will only take you to the place you don't want - or need- to go. Scenario planning is a necessary and effective planning technique but key distinction is to recognize the difference between worry and strategic thinking about your future.
Schedule exercise and sleep
When you sleep, your brain removes toxic proteins from it's neurons - so when you don't get enough sleep, the toxic proteins remain in your brain cells, impairing your ability to think -- something no amount of caffeine can fix.
Your self-control, attention, and memory are all reduced when you don't get enough sleep. Lack of sleep also diminishes your productivity so much that you're just better off getting a full 8-9 hrs of sleep.
When you exercise, you will result in the physical changes in your body that will result in a boost in confidence. Also endorphin-fueled positively from the work out itself or physical results makes all the difference. So get in a exercise routine. It will help, I promise.
Seek out small victories
- When you're really after something else - small victories can seem unimportant but small victories build new areas in the brain responsible for reward and motivation. This increases your self-confidence and your eagerness to tackle future challenges . When you have a boost of small victories, the boost in your self confidence can last for months.
Don't say "Yes" unless you really want to
- The more difficulty you have saying no, the more likely you'll experience stress, burn out, and even depression. Saying "NO" is a major challenge for some people. "NO" is a powerful word that you should not be afraid to use. When it's time to say "NO", avoid phases like " I don't think I can" or " I'm not certain". Saying no will honor your existing commitment and gives you the opportunity to successfully fulfill them.
Don't seek perfection
It doesn't exist. Human beings, by our very nature, are fallible
When perfection is your goal - you're always left with a sense of failure that makes you want to give up or reduce your effort. You will end up spending your time about what you failed to accomplish and what you could have done differently, instead of moving forward, excited about what you have achieved and what you will accomplish.
Focus on solutions
- When you fixate on the problems that you're facing, you create and prolong the negative emotions which hinders your ability to reach your goals. When you focus on the actions you will take to better yourself and your circumstance, you will create a sense of personal efficacy that produces positive emotions and will improve your performance.
Forgive yourself
For when you slip up, it's crucial that you forgive yourself and move on. Don't ignore how the mistakes make you feel but don't wallow in it. Instead, shift your attention to what you're going to do to chance and improve in the future.
Success lies in your ability to rise in the face of failure. You can't do this when you're living in the past. Anything worth achieving requires great risk, and you can't allow failure to stop you from believing in your ability to succeed.
I hope these lessons are useful to you as they have been to me over the years. As I write this post, I am reminded of their power and my desire to use them every day.
Bradberry, Travis. Co-Author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0. and Co-Founder of TalentSmart.12 Lessons You Learn or Regret Forever. Published on LinkedIn March 15, 2019
Hi my name is Bradley H, and I have been watching stories since I found jobcase. And now I have my own.
I have been putting in applications waiting for a callback. And I received one on Friday, offering me the job I had interviewed for on Wednesday working for Walmart as a Grocery Stocker. Ever since working as a Stocker for Dollar General years back, I had always liked that position. I can't believe myself out of four people who applied got it. There have been so many times I applied and got interviewed but was never called, after several times, it can take a toll on how confident you are in getting it.
be presistance all jobs want a resume gaurentee that it looks better on you dress to impress manners is a plus never in application shorten your word it look totalazy.. you want to impress. confidence is key, charasmatic as well,
Hi, I have worked in IT for over 20 years. I am currently a project coordinator II for a utility company (over 2 yrs). I have been studying for the CAPM test mainly because of lack of confidence and I have only managed 1 project solely. How did you guys gain the confidence to take the exam - studying for a while still scared. Also, do anyone know of any mentoring groups in Atlanta trying to relocate there but still have not succeeded in gaining employment.
Interviews can be intimidating, don’t be afraid to be an advocate for yourself! #askquestions #speakup #confidence