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Mike Grauer Jr
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Sallie Mae is double garnishing me now. They have two arms coming at me. So now working at my par time minimum wage job. I am being garnished 30 percent of my income. Thanks to my inability to get anything better. I am even poorer now.

Tell me again why college was worth it? That is even with me having a MBA and BFA in animation. College is a scam. It is not worth it. All it gave me is low wage work. Made me even more unemployable then I was before college.

This debt has effected my mental health to no end. Of course they don’t care about my issues. They don’t care if they garnish all my wages. These ass***s are the worst. You know what? You can thank the US government. This would not happen in the private sector.

You people wonder why I am depressed all the time. I can’t a job that pays more then minimum wage and is full time and I am being garnished to the hilt.

I have every right to be depressed. No work, no money, no life

#Autistic #actuallyautistic #asd #aspie #aspergers #autismawareness #college #education #edu #school #studentdebt #studentloans #collegeloans #loans #debt #life #rant #depression #suicidal #collegeisascam #work #employment #jobs #rant
