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Ashley Wilson
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

The Cincinnati job fair is COMING up on October 2nd

If you haven’t already, be sure to [register HERE] (https://www.jobcase.com/cw-job-fair) and have the chance to meet and interview with over 40 local employers, including some great companies like Amazon!

Now let’s get you ready for the fair with the following tips:

Lay out your clothing Do this the day before to ensure you won't have to scramble trying to find something the morning of the job fair. Make sure your clothing is clean, wrinkle-free, and professional (NO jeans). Check out some tips on what you can wear [here] (https://www.jobcase.com/conversations/60d77b2f-6640-5331-8816-dca310ec58bf?from=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.jobcase.com%252Fcommunity).

Grab those resumes Print and pack at least 50 copies and place them in a folder, or notebook and then tuck them away in a bag. Just make sure your resumes are easily accessible when an employer requests a copy, so you don't have to go digging for it! Don’t have a printer? No problem, check out some great advice [HERE] (https://www.jobcase.com/conversations/4d3535bd-34ee-5eb3-9d7e-fc2f066d82a6).

Eat a good breakfast It’s true what they say, breakfast IS the most important meal of the day. It will fuel your brain/body first thing and last until lunchtime! When in doubt bring a snack if you think you will be hungry like a power bar you can tuck away in your pocket or bag.

Get to bed Even if you’re a night owl, put on those pj’s and climb into bed early enough the night before so you get a full 8 hours. You will look rested tomorrow and feel much calmer and focused the next day!

Arrive at the fair early Plan how you will get there (car, bus, train, a ride) and how long it will take with [Google maps] (https://www.google.com/maps). Arrive a little bit early to calm your nerves and take a lap around the room before you begin to speak with employers and make a plan!

Practice your pitch Whether it’s in the shower or on the ride over, rehearse it a few times out loud so you build up that confidence! What will you say in 20-30 seconds to grab that employer’s attention? Need some help? Check out [THIS post] (https://www.jobcase.com/conversations/d11f70ef-0d6e-5730-8610-36528b33a832).

Know the company’s mission/culture If you haven’t researched it yet take some time to see what the company is all about and jot down some notes! Visit their website, read reviews, and discover what makes them great. Remember, your pitch should be tailored to what YOU bring to that company based on what they do. Plus, they will be impressed with your knowledge so do that research!

Break the ice Practice a few of these [conversation starters] (https://www.jobcase.com/conversations/6d46f61d-c53b-5ec5-9d7c-69cc61713f6a) to get things rolling when you approach an employer. No one likes those awkward silences.

Wishing you the best of luck in finding a new job at the fair : )

Please comment with any questions

Ashley Wilson
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Now that the job fair is over it is time to follow up!

So, whether you jotted the employer’s email address down in a notebook or have it on a card make sure to reach out. If you did neither don't worry, you can go to the company's website and look for the hiring manager's email. Once you have found their email (or address) follow up with a friendly email, or even send a quick thank you card in the mail. Don’t laugh, it’s the little things that can set you apart.

Remember that employers have met and spoken to MANY people at the fair, so it’s unlikely they will automatically remember you. If you had a good conversation, make note of something you discussed. Perhaps you both love and own Golden Retrievers or you enjoy going snowboarding. Whatever you can say to make that personal connection in their brain is worth mentioning again! I am a huge believer in making things personal : )

Just be careful not to make your follow up too casual. Go to the employer’s website and find specific positions that you could apply to or you know you are interested in and mention that in your follow up as well. Be sure to tie your skill sets to match the open position's qualifications.

Ideally, you should follow up within two-three days after the job fair but no later. So now is the time!

Here is what a sample follow up could look like:

Hello Mr. Santos,

It was an absolute pleasure to meet you at the job fair this past (insert day of the week) at (the location)! I can’t believe that we both went to the same high school and had Mrs. Belmont for third grade! What a small world, isn’t it?

I would love the chance to speak to you a bit more about the (name the title you’re interested in) position. I feel that I would make an outstanding candidate for that role because I (link your qualifications to the role and mention at least 3 things that support why they should hire you).

I look forward to doing great things for (company name) Mr. Santos. I have attached my resume for your convenience and hope to speak with you soon.

Please have a wonderful rest of your week!

Best, (Your name)

We here at Jobcase wish you the best of luck landing the job! : )

Zaunisha Huff
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I need a good job in cincinnati

Marcus Jordan
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Join us next this month at the Cincinnati Works Job Fair! Over 20 of the top local employers will be on site recruiting Cincinnati's most talented applicants to fill a variety of job opportunities within multiple industries.

The Cincinnati Works Job Fair is a FREE event and open to the public so don’t miss out. See more event details below and registration information below. See you there!

> Event: Cincinnati Works Job Fair > Date/Time: Wednesday, May 30, from 10a - 12p > Location: CityLink Center, 800 Bank Street, Cincinnati, OH 45214

Click HERE to register today!

Marcus Jordan
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

The City of Cincinnati is implementing an affirmative action policy to promote hiring people who self-identify as having a disability... http://wvxu.org/post/cincinnati-launching-new-hiring-program#stream/0

Nora Stanger
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I'm looking for a professional position. How can I research the companies that will be present that are looking for what I have to offer?

Christopher Scranton
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

There will be some great employers at the October 31st Cincinnati Works Job Fair, including the companies below!

To learn more about the job fair and to register, click here

Check out the links below to some of their open jobs- great way to prepare in advance for success at the job fair! Get to know the employers, review their job info, and keep asking/answering questions here on Jobcase to help yourself to be the best prepared that you can be!

3CDC Check out a listing of their open jobs

Amazon Check out a listing of their open jobs

Castellini Group Check out a listing of their open jobs

Charter Spectrum Check out a listing of their open jobs

Children’s Inc. Check out a listing of their open jobs

Children’s Hospital Check out a listing of their open jobs

DHL Check out a listing of their open jobs

FedEx Check out a listing of their open jobs

Fifth Third Bank Check out a listing of their open jobs

Hilton Check out a listing of their open jobs

Jack Casino Check out a listing of their open jobs

Jancoa Check out a listing of their open jobs

JBM Check out a listing of their open jobs

Kroger Check out a listing of their open jobs

Lithko Contracting Check out a listing of their open jobs

McLane Food Service Check out a listing of their open jobs

Sysco Foods Check out a listing of their open jobs

UPS (Warehouse) Check out a listing of their open jobs

Volunteers of America Check out a listing of their open jobs

Whelan Security Check out a listing of their open jobs

Woodforest National Bank Check out a listing of their open jobs

Wornick Foods Check out a listing of their open jobs

#JobFairSuccessCincinnati #Jobfair #Network #Cincinnati #CincinnatiJobs #CincinnatiJobfair #Employers

Fred Goff
CEO and Founder of JobcaseBullet point
CEO and Founder of Jobcase
over 6 months ago

Ok - Cinci-area Jobasers area awesome. The team feels blessed to have met and spent time with some GREAT people here today. We also heard first hand how this economy isn't as easy to navigate for everyone as headlines sometime suggest. But I am confident that everyone in that room will find success if they keep to the learnings covered in the clinic (and especially keep that positive attitude)!
Special shout-out to Emily, Joe, John, Nazeeya, Diane and Mary. I had opportunity to spend some extra time with them and really appreciate their contributions to the day and to the jobcase community.
Good luck everyone. And thanks for coming out to meet us today.

For other Jobcasers reading this - stay tuned... we will do more of these. They seem to be well received and helpful! Fred

Fred Goff
CEO and Founder of JobcaseBullet point
CEO and Founder of Jobcase
over 6 months ago

I've heard nearly 100 job offers were made to people at the Cincinnati event! Awesome. But what did u think? Was this a good experience? Would love to hear your feedback!

Darlene Booth
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I am looking for a position with the the Medical Field as and Administrator or in Education in the Cincinnati, OH area. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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