Be the next to follow.

I walked in the door ...Great place to work and learn about wellness. A mom-and-pop business with a relaxed environment.

#1 slip seating #2 older model trucks #3 Third shift #4 call ins on days off #5 working on Holidays #6 split days off/never two in a row #7 delays on maintenance #8 may have to drive hostler #9 average $1k week gross #10 weekly pay check #11 frequent change of duties #12 frequent drop and hook #13 57’ trailers
If you have double/triple end. You will pull doubles.
#14 average 50 hours a week

Hello everyone, my name is Marina. I ak 14 years old and I am searching for a job. I am aware I am young, but I am dedicated to finding a place to work. I prefer pet sitting over any other job, and will treat your pets as my own! Does anyone have any interest who lives near erie pa? I can work after school hours and full weekends , and have had expeirence with all sorts of animals. Please consider me! And for everyone else searching for a job as long as I have, dont give up. Good opportunites come your way. Have a blessed day. #erie #eriepa #petsitting #petcare #14 #teenjobs #hireme #jobs