Fair Chance to Succeed

Does anyone know how far back they do background checks? I'm looking for a Customer Service /Office Assistant/Service Team Assistant position.

It's ridiculous that I'm 40 years old and can't get a job. I say job because career is obviously inevitable at this point because of my criminal history. I've always worked in the restaurant business because they don't do background checks. All these jobs that say they are equal opportunity is baloney! I was charged in 2012 with Involuntary Manslaughter. If anyone is familiar that means accident. I was on drugs and have had my life together since then. Unfortunately I am a victim of the opioid epidemic. A Dr prescribed me Percocet in my teens then just cut me off in my 20s. I didn't understand why I was sick until I had someone tell me your dope sick. I had no clue what that was but she told me heroin would make me feel better and it did. I struggled off and on for years. Then was the accident. I went to prison and boot camp. I came home in 2015 and did ok for awhile. I was on parole and then we lost our place to live. If you don't have an address for state parole u go to a halfway house and that was not an option I would not leave my son's. I then went off the grid and went back to jail, because of this I was resentenced in 2019. Now when places do background checks it looks like I was just in trouble for that so the 7 Year check back won't be up for 2 more years. I've put in so many applications and been on so many interviews but keep getting shot down regardless of how "Great" I am. Why do places say they hire felons and are equal opportunity when that's the biggest lie! If anyone can help with a job PLEASE #advice #stressful #jobsearch #equalopportunityisalie #Icanbarelyfeedmychildren #someonepleasehelp #hasthishappenedtou #anyjobsavailable #imputtingmyselfoutthere

I don't believe I should be turned down from a job because of it. I have amazing people skills a hard worker and have many other skills too. I didn't rap,kill,or molest anybody. I also dont have any violent crimes at all.But yet my background haunts me my entire like. I paid my debt to society,but I have been paying it my whole life because it has followed me. I'm highly qualified for many jobs. Until they ask that one question. Are you a convicted felon.Peoplw make mistakes but I've been paying for mine for almost 30 years now. I don't do any drugs I don't drink and I barely smoke cigarettes. So people should think before putting must pass a background check. Because they miss out on amazing and hard working employees and people in general. #backgroundcheck

I would explain how you were guilty by association and you've learned your lesson since then and now choose better people to hang around.

I literally have applied to hundreds of employers, submitted hundreds of copies of my resume, tailored hundreds of cover letters, and attended dozens of interviews, yet I am still unemployed. I will concede that I have a non-violent, non-sexual criminal history, consisting of several convictions from over a decade ago. I was released from custody on December 26, 2023, after serving nearly thirteen (13) years in the Colorado Department of Corrections. A recent background investigation conducted by Amazon revealed only the escape conviction for which I was released. I have had many contingent offers of employment made, accepted, and tragically rescinded. My roommate, who is in a similar situation with a burglary conviction from over a decade ago, was immediately hired as a remote Candidate Support Associate by Amazon, a company renowned for its commitment to reintegrating justice-involved individuals. However, I am one signature away from being refused employment for a Locker+ Customer Service Associate role I recently applied for. I have so much work experience and a very marketable skillset that my contributions to any employer are limitless, but companies seem to prioritize scrutinizing criminal histories over recruiting qualified candidates. The desire and motivation I once had to contribute to society as a committed, loyal, and highly productive employee has sapped my life force. Do I push forward, and if so, where can I find an employer that will give me a chance?
#barrierstoemployment #can'tgetajob

In 2024, the list of companies participating in the Second Chance Hiring Initiative is growing. Companies are beginning to discover that utilizing the reentry population reaps huge benefits to their work force, their communities and the participants of the initiative programs that are rapidly becoming a viable resource. Many companies are finding that those in reentry programs are often more reliable, harder working and dedicated to making their jobs long term careers. These initiatives are a win-win for all involved.
In 2024 there are more opportunities than ever for those with criminal backgrounds to find gainful employment. If you are seeking a job with a business that will offer you the chance to start fresh, support your family and contribute to your community, take a look at this extensive list of employers that belong to these initiative programs.
When looking for a good fit for your needs, consider what skills and experience you possess including any hard skills you acquired while incarcerated as well as soft skills you possess. These include the ability to communicate well, active listening, keen observation & attention to detail, negotiating, problem solving and adaptability.
This is a PDF downloadable file so you can save it.
Finding a job is a job in itself. The Jobcase Fair Chance to Succeed Group has many posts addressing best practices, tips and guidance on resumes, letters of explanation for gaps in employment, advice for interviews and more.
Be sure to ask questions here if you're unsure of where to start or if you need resource information. There are other members here with experience to help guide you. No matter what your journey, giving up should never be an option and neither should returning to old behaviors. We're here to help where we can, the rest is up to you 👍

May you be blessed with a job that is very pleasing to You even though have that offense. In the name of Jesus of Nazareth it can be overlooked Do not limit yourself, read the Word and believe in miracles!

@Steve Volbergs, be aware that depending on the state that you are in local wastewater treatment plants may be under Union contract. Since you didn't identify in your profile the state in which you live I recommend looking up local unions to see if the treatment plans in your area are indeed under contract. A felony conviction does not affect your ability to become a union member, but may affect where you can be placed out to work.
Also, look online to see if you live in a "Ban the Box" state or city. That particular law prohibits prospective employers from asking about your criminal background until an offer of employment is made. If you have specific questions, please reach out to us on this group and we will help you find the answers.

Heya sugar. The federal law WAS updated and now dumb ass State bull poop are trying to snatch and trap people. Do USA a flavour and contact your parole personalle. We are working suprah hard to fix this tribal indignation on our workforce and former military veterans. Signed Danielle HR don't make me luv you ;) batchick #backgroundcheck

I've been home from prison for over a year, I'm certified in cooking, have my ServSafe, and went through school and earned my license in cooking. Been working in this field for over 10 years and the only position I can get is line cook for 14 dollars an hour. I have a family to take care of and a baby due on 6/4/24. It's not right or fair, I know my job and my actions as a worker should speak for me. HELP!!!

Felons can find jobs by using resources to help with their job search on many websites, including:
Felonyrecordhub: Provides resources, a job search engine, housing options, and legal representation connections: FRH
2nd Chances 4 Felons: Provides links to staffing agencies and companies that hire felons: Check this website
15+ Tips To Get A Job With A Criminal Record in 2024: Includes job search and application tips, resume and cover letter suggestions, and more: Helpful Resources
Jail to Jobs- Information on job search assistance, housing, grants and more!: Good information here
Inmate to Entrepreneur: entrepreneurial ideas & assistance to help you start your own business: FITE
I'm not going to say that it's going to be easy but then, if you have a felony record you haven't exactly chosen the "easy way" regardless of what other people may call it. Felony criminal behavior comes with a huge array of consequences so there's nothing easy about living a criminal lifestyle. However, if you put half the amount of energy into seriously looking for a job to better your life as you did into engaging in criminal behaviors you've already got one foot in the door.
Looking for a job or looking to change jobs without a criminal background is hard enough. I know people who have put in anywhere from dozens to hundreds of applications within the last year only to end up feeling disappointed, disrespected and completely exhausted. Many of them do have criminal backgrounds that range from simple drug-related charges to other more serious offenses.
After talking with them and walking them through the process of updating their resumes to fit with the hiring trends, writing cover letters and Letters of Explanation regarding their gap in employment because of incarceration, helping them to understand the difference between hard skills and soft skills, learning to highlight what their transferable skills are (including the ones they learned while inside) and how to prepare for and approach the interview process, many of them have managed to find decent paying jobs.
I'm going to say up front that the one most important thing you need to prepare for your job search is a solid support system!! I cannot stress this enough. One of the major contributors to relapse and going back to old criminal behaviors is lack of a good support system. It's important to have people to champion you through a very difficult process. Considering that there are currently millions of people who are unemployed and looking for jobs and many that are looking to change jobs, your competition is incredibly tough. Having a support system whether it be family or friends (preferably those that are not engaging in criminal activity) can help you navigate some of the less pleasant aspects of searching for a job with a criminal background.
In addition, many cities have organizations that are their specifically to help provide support. I live in the greater metro area in Portland Oregon and I am providing a link below to provide an example of the kind of organization you need to seek out in your community. These organizations sole purpose is to help prevent relapse and criminal recidivism so you can get your feet on the ground, in the door and learn habits to help change your life into a healthy productive one for you and your family. They provide coaching, teach job search skills, help you develop the necessary tools you need to be successful in your job search regardless of your criminal background and help get you connected with Community Resources.
And remember, complete your profile here on Jobcase. There is a resource center that provides resume building tools with AI assistance as well as examples of cover letters. There is also a job search page that you can use to look for jobs in your area. In the biography section of your profile there is a settings icon on the right hand side that will allow you to refine the types of jobs you are looking for and the industries that match your job search efforts. Jobcase can send you emails for jobs in your area based on that information for you to follow through with.
There is light at the end of the tunnel and with motivation, determination and the desire for a better life you can achieve success.
If you are an ex-offender and have been looking for work without success, comment below and let us know what your barriers have been and what you have done to try to overcome those. If you have successfully managed to gain employment, please share your experience with other members of this group and tell us what insights you've gained and discoveries you've made along the way that might offer guidance & hope to them.
@Sebastian Weaver Try searching the job board for potential employment opportunities. Click on the tab that says jobs and you’ll be able to explore positions and submit applications there. Be sure to filter out your job search by using your desired job title as a keyword. Good luck! 🍀