Monday, a friend of mine told me that he was laid off from a major financial company because the company decided to outsource the jobs to India. I told him about jobcase and I sent him a few joblinks.
Yesterday, I reached out to a former client who works for a financial company and she told me to email her his resume , which happened in the next 10 minutes. As I am searching jobs for myself, I am also helping my friend with his job search. I am a firm believer when we help people (even we go through tough times) more doors and opportunities will open to us. #jobsearch #helpafriend #help #outsourcing #unemployment #wordofadvice #behelpful #bekind #beresourceful #keepbelieving #Godwillopendoors #JobcaseroftheDay
God bless! Wish someone around my hometown could give me a hand up. ☝
Good for you. Yes, I believe what goes around comes back around. The good you do will come back to you in ways we know not of.
Way to go. I believe that too.
that's awesome. pay it forward. Good things come to those that help others not expecting anything in return...very positive message.
I've been doing the same hopefully some good karma will come around.
I agree with you. There is a blessing coming to you. To help others even though you are struggling. I am that type of person as well. I have been offered a job a couple of years back.We were just living off what my husband made. We were pinching every penny, but we had everything we needed and bills were paid. This job would allow us to be able to treat ourselves. A friend of mine was in the job market as well. I told her to apply to the same place. She was equally capable of the job. She was laid off her job due to the business was closing. From what I knew they were deciding between me and her. I asked them to give her the position. She needed it more, and I knew she was determined. She had a family to feed. I felt it was best. She got the job, and is well now on her feet and life has been great. Selfishness is so big these days. Some people don't take a step back and see the bigger picture. The greed sits in their eyes. You are a good person. I know that a job will come your way. Do not give up. Always smile, it may change lives.
WOW this is amazing! Yes Jobcase is all about people helping people!! What a wonderful thing you did taking time out of your day to assist others in need of guidance. Way to go Guerline A ! Community before competition!
Yes, there are several major firms offshoring jobs to other countries. I don't like it but it's happening. This is just a thought.... Why do we buy products from companies that exploit our resources and sell the products to us but offshore our jobs to other countries... Crazy