If you could have just ONE of these benefits at your next or current job which one would you go for? (A) AH-MAZING healthcare (B) FREE travel to anywhere in the US (C) The ability to work from home (D) The chance to make my own hours (E) A great paying salary (F) FREE daycare for my child
#curious #thoughts #benefits #jobsearch #Healthcare #travel #WorkFromHome #salary

A all the way!! Healthcare is so desperately needed!!! Or is better to make MORE $$$$...blah! I give up haha.

I know some moms that would KILL for free daycare, but for me I would pick A, so I could take proper care of my body and those I love. Healthcare is so expensive but to have great health benefits would pay for themselves in NO time. When ever I search for jobs I always research what they offer for their benefits package first to see what the company would provide before I even apply.

I would definitely ask for B I mean that is a NO brainer. I have ALWAYS wanted to travel so that would be amazing and I know some jobs offer this benefit when you need to travel for the job as well as if you work for an airline. Why not go on a mini vaca every weekend?!
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