Do you bring problems to your boss? Solutions? or problems with suggested solutions?
Usually problem brew up to the person you report to. If everything is going fine, and if you know your authority well, then no need to bug anyone else - right? But when things go wrong, usually you need to check in with a Boss to either let them know, or to double-check your authority in addressing the problem.
Here's my 2 cents of advice - try to bring solutions when you surface an issue or problem. Even if its a suggestion. You will be seen in a constructive light, grease the wheels on promotions and goodies (titles, $$, benefits, etc.) and prob have more productive relationship. This isn't always possible, but whenever it is, pause and put a solution to the situation!
I agree Fred! I think it's important in ANY job you do to always 1- put your best foot forward and 2- speak up when something isn't right (and even when it is). There is a big difference between complaining and pointing out things that you think a company or your team could do better. Sadly, not every work environment is open to such discussions, but it's important if you feel change is needed to discuss it with your manager at the very least. A great company will value your voice rather than judge it.