Flexibility benefits and good wage

There has been a lack of good managers across several industries, I no longer expect it.

I've been to allot of job fares and they all lacked one thing. A desirable job. There were allot of jobs there but none were jobs that anybody wanted to do but would hire you on the spot. You start Monday kinda thing and this was on Friday. Have people there that do the job they are hiring for so they can answer the questions about the job truthfully and from experience not from some guy in HR that all he knows what he needed to type in the "Job Requirements" section. Also do people know what they are applying for also. Whatever job your hiring for have at least one worker there that is currently doing that job and has been doing it for awhile. Best advice I can give. Every job I got at a job fair when I showed up on Monday thinking I'm a sales associate and find out I'm selling Bibles door to door! That tends to make for a pretty bad Monday. (True story)

Real jobs and real hiring. Job fairs have always been a waste of time.

Never been to one

Job offers!

Great question Madison!! Curious to see how member respond to this question. Thanks
In my past experience in the job market, employees nee to do there due diligence on the company, management, hiring & firing Practices. I worked for 2 international companies and there mangers made Atilla the hun look like good.