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Eleana Bowman
Community SpecialistBullet point
Community Specialist
over 6 months ago

IBM has launched a "New Collar" Professional Certificate program on Coursera as a response to their identified skills gap.

According to their site:

"New collar jobs and training initiatives address the tech industry’s skills gap and create multiple pathways for people to land these jobs.

These aren’t “blue collar” or “white collar” jobs, they’re...“new collar” roles in technology that prioritize skills and capabilities over degrees or having a traditional career path. What matters most in these roles is having the right mix of skills and a commitment to lifelong learning."

These roles are in some of the technology's fastest growing fields. Learn more abut IBM's New Collar Professional Certificates.

#skillstraining #technologycareers #careeradvancement #jobsearch #careergrowth
