No. Always on my own initiatives.
Everything it’s about tell stories
Both my grandfather and father worked for Coca Cola. You could say it's in my blood. I remember my dad working at the factory and all the stories he would have when he got home. We always had coke in our house, what else was there that was as good? To this day I will only drink Coke.
Work Place Horror Stories Hello Everyone,
Job seeking is hard and some times when we finally get a Job we end up being in a terrible situation. For the blog, I am looking for:
Entry -Level positions horror stories & Bosses Horror stories for the month of October ( Halloween.)
You can comment below with your story. Only a paragraph long (Short and Sweet & when you look back on it, it's FUNNY) Please State the Industry and sign it with a creative anonymous name such as Mechanic /Victim of the Overnight shift Boss. We will NOT use your name
Thanks and I hope you submit!
Last night one of my ex coworkers called me and said that my former manager and supervisor were mad that I left. That is so childish on so many levels that I don't know where to begin! First of all, they have no one to be angry at except themselves because had they treated me with respect and used me in a way to better the department rather then load me down with a lot of data entry so they could promote their favorite, I might have stayed. Honestly, I think they are angry that I beat them at their own game because while they were throwing their tantrums and either giving the silent treatment I was quietly taking care of myself and finding another job.
I have described working there as working with the Mean Girls, but I now think a better comparison is an abusive relationship. When you finally decide to cut ties and do what is right for you and leave the abuser, they may whine and cry for you not to leave because they need you but what they are really upset about is that they no longer control you.
I find it funny that they are "mad". What good is that doing them?
Just had to write my musings. Thanks all!
Nope not at all, accept by Jesus.