Remote part time #remoteworker #retirees exp in medical, retail, customer svc,
I am taking early retirement as it was a wonderful package but now have to find another job. If you are retired and don't need benefits. I heard of a company called you may want to check out. They are contractor positions. Many of my coworkers who are of retirement age are applying. #retirees
I'm not looking for a Call Center/Sales Rep - I just want to work. Money isn't uppermost, just want to work. #parttime #remoteworker #retirees #workathome Hudson Ma
#workfromhome # I'm Retired from Verizon. I have had my on business in Transportation I'm looking for something to do from home #remoteworker #retirees
All you have to do is open a business's front door and say hello, are ya hiring? Bam! You will have a job forthwith.
I lost my job and i don't know what i should do?
Hi @Stephanie Kaehler , Security Officer jobs offer plenty of work schedule flexibility and good starting pay. Allied Universal is hosting a hiring event in the Santa Cruz, CA area if you're interested. See Allied Universal - Security Officer Career Fair for more information.
It depends on your education level and work skills and experience plus if you have any networks