let me know if you need any help in product or fashion or concert photography. I worked for Adidas US, Cosmopolitan magazine and Elle. #jobsearch #interview #photography

I am a film director, photographer and visual artist with more than 15 years of experience, I offer my recording and content creation services. #PHOTOGRAPHY #VIDEOS #WORK

I have a deep love and desire to work with a camera. I already do social media influencing, and create fun and entertaining videos. But I want more! Currently I struggle with finding work that would allow me to create. Most jobs are hard for me to hold down, especially with my lack of college and lately higher anxiety. But I want to excel and find what I am good at. I suppose what I am asking is, are there any opportunities for an apprenticeship something like that? A chance to be trained? I know it’s kind of a confusing post. But maybe someone will catch what I’m putting out here. I want to be able to be paid to create, advertise, film. Even if it’s just putting advertisements up for a company. Anyway, thank you for the time to read this. I know many would say “just go to college” but it isn’t that easy for everyone. But I do have a desire to try someday, I guess I’m just hoping for a foot in the door, and guidance. Please forgive my grammar, this little window is not very accommodating to type in. #advice # #education # #jobsearch #photography

Thank you for your help. One of the most thrilling occasions you'll ever organize is a wedding. To make everything ideal, you may pick the venue, food, color scheme, décor, and other details. I'll remember that day for the rest of my life. Professional wedding photographers in Hammond IN at www.hammondphotographers.com will go above and beyond to assist you in documenting all of your most memorable wedding photography sessions so that you can look back and remember everything exactly as it occurred. Having your wedding invitations photographed is a great way to get to know your photographer.

Hello Friends I'm Looking For Photography job/Assignment based, I'm from India but m ready to relocate any time any way, I have 4 year experience of wedding, product, fashion, maternity Etc. #photography #photographer


I applied for a job with a well known Bay Area School Photography Studio. I showed up in a jacket and tie and we discovered that I had worked for a company that the Studio had merged with years ago. The interview went great. I have more than 35 years experience photographing subjects for portraiture. As the interview concluded, The HR people said, "we will let you know". I knew then that I did not have the job. This was confirmed when I got an email stating that they are going with someone else with experience closer to they way they do business? I was definitely turned down due to my age. But since they are not allowed to say that. There is no one more qualified than I am for the job. I actually could have brought by experience to them to improve their workflow. They probably went with someone in their 20's or 30's. Old people make them uncomfortable I suppose.

I love taking photographs and would love to know if anyone has an offering jobs

Here are some ideas to get started: https://www.format.com/magazine/resources/art/how-to-promote-your-art

I find it best to show up 30 mins before sunset and stay 30 mins afterwards. During this hour, there is usually a 5 min period for beautiful photos.

Just posting a link to my photography portfolio. As it would be nice if I could actually use my art skills professionally.
#photography #photo #art #artist #artportfolio #Flicker #employment #work
Hi Oppie. My girlfriend's husband always loved photography. One Christmas, she gave him a professional camera of some sort. I don't know much about photography but he was able to learn what he needed from YouTube tutorials. Even though she also works (so there was a second income) they had all the same bills & obligations that anyone else has. And they have twin girls!!! Somehow he learned what he needed, then opened his own studio. He is much happier doing what he loves & his work is amazing. You can do it too. Good luck.