Just b honest about your working history, because there is alot of different departments u can work at.

Looks like #Krogers is going to start using drones in #Ohio to deliver groceries starting this week. What do you think?

I feel like this God made you now who do you trust man made or Jesus if you Itrust Jesus he will not let you fall I ask to my high power stop living in fear and trust God Amen

They need the extra help and hope they enjoy it like i did

I feel like it would be an amazing opportunity to do what I love the most. I really feel like it would be fun to do and i’ll be able to meet new people.

Bagging ,helping people with their food

Convenient hours ,paid vacation 401k pension union pay is nice weekly pay you gain a new family very friendly enivironment.

This is just another chance at someone or a company like kroger to one up or be ahead in the race for I.T. superiority let it run its course and they will find out like many others it more than likely will not work there are too many obsticles that are realtime and it can really get expensive if the delivery percentage is at only at 75 or 80 percent but king soopers might have groceries scattered from sheridan to golden but could be amusingly funny.Crash course with a hungry eagle or maybe the neighbor kids bb gun lol.